smrf.envphys.core package

smrf.envphys.core.envphys_c module

C implementation of some radiation functions

smrf.envphys.core.envphys_c.cdewpt(ndarray vp, ndarray dwpt, float tolerance=0, int nthreads=1)
dwpt changed in place

20160505 Scott Havens

smrf.envphys.core.envphys_c.ctopotherm(ndarray ta, ndarray tw, ndarray z, ndarray skvfac, ndarray thermal, int nthreads=1)

Call the function krige_grid in krige.c which will iterate over the grid within the C code

Parameters:tw, z, skvfac (ta,) –
thermal changed in place

20160325 Scott Havens

smrf.envphys.core.envphys_c.cwbt(ndarray ta, ndarray td, ndarray z, ndarray tw, float tolerance=0, int nthreads=1)

Call the function iwbt in iwbt.c which will iterate over the grid within the C code

Parameters:td, z, tw_o (ta,) –
tw changed in place (wet bulb temperature)

20180611 Micah Sandusky

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