Source code for smrf.output.output_netcdf

Functions to output as a netCDF

import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np
# from scipy import stats
import logging
import os
from datetime import datetime
from smrf.utils import utils
from spatialnc.proj import add_proj
# import pandas as pd

from smrf import __version__

[docs]class output_netcdf(): """ Class output_netcdf() to output values to a netCDF file """ type = 'netcdf' fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' cs = (6, 10, 10) def __init__(self, variable_list, topo, time, outConfig): """ Initialize the output_netcdf() class Args: variable_list: list of dicts, one for each variable topo: loadTopo instance """ self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # go through the variable list and make full file names for v in variable_list: variable_list[v]['file_name'] = \ variable_list[v]['out_location'] + '.nc' self.variable_list = variable_list # process the time section self.run_time_step = int(time['time_step']) self.out_frequency = int(outConfig['frequency']) self.outConfig = outConfig # determine the x,y vectors for the netCDF file x = topo.x y = topo.y self.mask = topo.mask # dimensions = ('Time','dateStrLen','y','x') dimensions = ('time', 'y', 'x') self.date_time = {} for v in self.variable_list: f = self.variable_list[v] if os.path.isfile(f['file_name']): self._logger.warning('Opening {}, data may be overwritten!' .format(f['file_name'])) s = nc.Dataset(f['file_name'], 'a') # h = getattr(s, 'history') h = '[{}] Data added or updated'.format( setattr(s, 'last_modified', h) if 'projection' not in s.variables.keys(): s = add_proj(s, None, topo.topoConfig['filename']) else: self._logger.debug('Creating %s' % f['file_name']) s = nc.Dataset(f['file_name'], 'w', format='NETCDF4', clobber=False) # add dimensions s.createDimension(dimensions[0], None) # s.createDimension(dimensions[1], 19) s.createDimension(dimensions[1], y.shape[0]) s.createDimension(dimensions[2], x.shape[0]) # create the variables s.createVariable('time', 'f', (dimensions[0])) s.createVariable('y', 'f', dimensions[1]) s.createVariable('x', 'f', dimensions[2]) s.createVariable(f['variable'], 'f', (dimensions[0], dimensions[1], dimensions[2]), chunksizes=self.cs) # define some attributes s.variables['time'].setncattr( 'units', 'hours since {}'.format(time['start_date'])) s.variables['time'].setncattr( 'calendar', 'standard') s.variables['time'].setncattr( 'time_zone', time['time_zone']) s.variables['time'].setncattr( 'long_name', 'time') # the y variable attributes s.variables['y'].setncattr( 'units', 'meters') s.variables['y'].setncattr( 'description', 'UTM, north south') s.variables['y'].setncattr( 'long_name', 'y coordinate') # the x variable attributes s.variables['x'].setncattr( 'units', 'meters') s.variables['x'].setncattr( 'description', 'UTM, east west') s.variables['x'].setncattr( 'long_name', 'x coordinate') # the variable attributes s.variables[f['variable']].setncattr( 'module', f['module']) s.variables[f['variable']].setncattr( 'units', f['info']['units']) s.variables[f['variable']].setncattr( 'long_name', f['info']['long_name']) # add projection info s = add_proj(s, None, topo.topoConfig['filename']) # define some global attributes s.setncattr_string('Conventions', 'CF-1.6') s.setncattr_string('dateCreated', s.setncattr_string('title', 'Distirbuted {0} data from SMRF'.format(f['info']['long_name'])) s.setncattr_string('history', '[{}] Create netCDF4 file'.format( s.setncattr_string('institution', 'USDA Agricultural Research Service, Northwest Watershed Research Center') s.setncattr_string('references', 'Online documentation;') s.variables['y'][:] = y s.variables['x'][:] = x s.setncattr_string('source', 'SMRF {}'.format(utils.getgitinfo())) s.close()
[docs] def output(self, variable, data, date_time): """ Output a time step Args: variable: variable name that will index into variable list data: the variable data date_time: the date time object for the time step """ self._logger.debug('{0} Writing variable {1} to netCDF' .format(date_time, variable)) # f = self.variable_list[variable]['nc_file'] f = nc.Dataset(self.variable_list[variable]['file_name'], 'a', 'NETCDF4') # the current time integer times = f.variables['time'] t = nc.date2num(date_time.replace(tzinfo=None), times.units, times.calendar) if len(times) != 0: index = np.where(times[:] == t)[0] if index.size == 0: index = len(times) else: index = index[0] else: index = len(times) # self.date_time[variable] = np.append(self.date_time[variable], pd.to_datetime(date_time)) # insert the time f.variables['time'][index] = t # insert the data if self.outConfig['mask']: f.variables[variable][index, :] = data*self.mask else: f.variables[variable][index, :] = data # synce the data to disk to that it can be viewed immediately # f.sync() f.close()