Source code for

Created on Dec 22, 2015

Read in metadata and data from a MySQL database
The table columns will most likely be hardcoded for ease
of development and users will require the specific table setup

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
import pandas as pd
import utm
import mysql.connector
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import logging

[docs]class database: """ Database class for querying metadata and station data """ def __init__(self, user, password, host, db, port): try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user=user, password=password, host=host, database=db, port = port) except mysql.connector.Error as err: if err.errno == 1045: # errorcode.ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR: logging.error('''Something is wrong with your user name or password''') elif err.errno == 1049: # errorcode.ER_BAD_DB_ERROR: logging.error("Database does not exist") else: logging.error(err) self._db_connection = cnx self._db_cur = self._db_connection.cursor() self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._logger.debug('Connected to MySQL database')
[docs] def metadata(self, table, station_ids=None, client=None, station_table=None): """ Similar to the CorrectWxData database call Get the metadata from the database for either the specified stations or for the specific group of stations in client Args: table: metadata table in the database station_id: list of stations to read, default None client: client to read from the station_table, default None station_table: table name that contains the clients and list of stations, default None Returns: d: Pandas DataFrame of station information """ # form the query for getting metadata if station_ids is not None: qry = "SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE primary_id IN ('{1}')".format( table, "','".join(station_ids)) else: qry = """SELECT {0}.* FROM {0} INNER JOIN {1} ON {0}.id={1}.metadata_id WHERE {1}.client='{2}'""".format( table, station_table, client) self._logger.debug(qry) # execute the query d = pd.read_sql(qry, self._db_connection, index_col='primary_id') if d.empty: raise Exception('No metadata found for query') # check to see if UTM locations are calculated #d[['utm_x', 'utm_y']] = d.apply(to_utm, axis=1) return d
[docs] def get_data(self, table, station_ids, start_date, end_date, variables): """ Get data from the database, either for the specified stations or for the specific group of stations in client Args: table: table to load data from station_ids: list of station ids to get start_date: start of time period end_date: end of time period variable: string for variable to get """ if isinstance(variables, list): variables = ','.join(variables) sta = "','".join(station_ids) qry = """SELECT date_time,station_id,{0} FROM {1} WHERE date_time BETWEEN '{2}' AND '{3}' AND station_id IN ('{4}') ORDER BY date_time ASC""".format( variables, table, start_date, end_date, sta) self._logger.debug(qry) # loads all the data d = pd.read_sql(qry, self._db_connection, index_col='date_time') if d.empty: raise Exception('No data found in database') # Fill returned values 'None' with NaN d = d.fillna(value=np.nan, axis='columns') # determine the times dt = np.diff(d.index.unique())/60/1e9 # time difference in minutes dt = dt.astype('float64') m = stats.mode(dt)[0][0] # most likely time steps for the data self._logger.debug('Determined data time step to be %f minutes' % m) t = date_range(start_date, end_date, timedelta(minutes=m)) # now we need to parse the data frame df = {} variables = variables.split(',') for v in variables: self._logger.debug('Creating dataframe for {}'.format(v)) # create an empty dataframe dp = pd.DataFrame(index=t, columns=station_ids) = 'date_time' for s in station_ids: dp[s] = d[v][d['station_id'] == s].copy() df[v] = dp return df
# TODO: is this used anymore?
[docs] def query(self, query, params): return self._db_cur.execute(query, params)
def __del__(self): self._db_connection.close()
# def to_utm(row): # """ # Convert a row from data frame to X,Y # """ # if (row['X'] is None) and (row['Y'] is None): # return pd.Series(utm.from_latlon(row['latitude'], # row['longitude'])[:2]) # elif np.isnan(row['X']) and np.isnan(row['Y']): # return pd.Series(utm.from_latlon(row['latitude'], # row['longitude'])[:2]) # else: # return pd.Series([row['X'], row['Y']])
[docs]def date_range(start_date, end_date, increment): """ Calculate a list between start and end date with an increment """ result = [] nxt = start_date while nxt <= end_date: result.append(nxt) nxt += increment return np.array(result)