smrf.distribute package


smrf.distribute.air_temp module

class smrf.distribute.air_temp.ta(taConfig)[source]

Bases: smrf.distribute.image_data.image_data

The ta class allows for variable specific distributions that go beyond the base class.

Air temperature is a relatively simple variable to distribute as it does not rely on any other variables, but has many variables that depend on it. Air temperature typically has a negative trend with elevation and performs best when detrended. However, even with a negative trend, it is possible to have instances where the trend does not apply, for example a temperature inversion or cold air pooling. These types of conditions will have unintended consequences on variables that use the distributed air temperature.


taConfig – The [air_temp] section of the configuration file


configuration from [air_temp] section


numpy array of the air temperature


stations to be used in alphabetical order


Distribute air temperature given a Panda’s dataframe for a single time step. Calls smrf.distribute.image_data.image_data._distribute.


data – Pandas dataframe for a single time step from air_temp

distribute_thread(queue, data)[source]

Distribute the data using threading and queue. All data is provided and distribute_thread will go through each time step and call smrf.distribute.air_temp.ta.distribute then puts the distributed data into queue['air_temp'].

  • queue – queue dictionary for all variables

  • data – pandas dataframe for all data, indexed by date time

initialize(topo, data)[source]

Initialize the distribution, solely calls smrf.distribute.image_data.image_data._initialize.

output_variables = {'air_temp': {'long_name': 'Air temperature', 'standard_name': 'air_temperature', 'units': 'degree_Celsius'}}
post_process_variables = {}
variable = 'air_temp'

smrf.distribute.albedo module

class smrf.distribute.albedo.albedo(albedoConfig)[source]

Bases: smrf.distribute.image_data.image_data

The albedo class allows for variable specific distributions that go beyond the base class.

The visible (280-700nm) and infrared (700-2800nm) albedo follows the relationships described in Marks et al. (1992) [1]. The albedo is a function of the time since last storm, the solar zenith angle, and grain size. The time since last storm is tracked on a pixel by pixel basis and is based on where there is significant accumulated distributed precipitation. This allows for storms to only affect a small part of the basin and have the albedo decay at different rates for each pixel.


albedoConfig – The [albedo] section of the configuration file


numpy array of the visible albedo


numpy array of the infrared albedo


configuration from [albedo] section


minimum value of albedo is 0


maximum value of albedo is 1


stations to be used in alphabetical order

distribute(current_time_step, cosz, storm_day)[source]

Distribute air temperature given a Panda’s dataframe for a single time step. Calls smrf.distribute.image_data.image_data._distribute.

  • current_time_step – Current time step in datetime object

  • cosz – numpy array of the illumination angle for the current time step

  • storm_day – numpy array of the decimal days since it last snowed at a grid cell

distribute_thread(queue, date)[source]

Distribute the data using threading and queue

  • queue – queue dict for all variables

  • date – dates to loop over

Changes the queue albedo_vis, albedo_ir

for the given date

initialize(topo, data)[source]

Initialize the distribution, calls image_data.image_data._initialize()

  • topo – instance contain topo data/info

  • data – data dataframe containing the station data

output_variables = {'albedo_ir': {'long_name': 'Infrared wavelength albedo', 'standard_name': 'infrared_albedo', 'units': 'None'}, 'albedo_vis': {'long_name': 'Visible wavelength albedo', 'standard_name': 'visible_albedo', 'units': 'None'}}
post_process_variables = {}
variable = 'albedo'

smrf.distribute.cloud_factor module


Bases: smrf.distribute.image_data.image_data

The cf class allows for variable specific distributions that go beyond the base class. Cloud factor is a relatively simple variable to distribute as it does not rely on any other variables.

Cloud factor is calculated as the ratio between measured incoming solar radiation and modeled clear sky radiation. A value of 0 means no incoming solar radiation (or very cloudy) and a value of 1 means sunny.


config – The [cloud_factor] section of the configuration file


configuration from [cloud_factor] section


numpy array of the cloud factor


stations to be used in alphabetical order


Distribute cloud factor given a Panda’s dataframe for a single time step. Calls smrf.distribute.image_data.image_data._distribute.


data – Pandas dataframe for a single time step from cloud_factor

distribute_thread(queue, data)[source]

Distribute the data using threading and queue. All data is provided and distribute_thread will go through each time step and call then puts the distributed data into queue['cloud_factor'].

  • queue – queue dictionary for all variables

  • data – pandas dataframe for all data, indexed by date time

initialize(topo, data)[source]

Initialize the distribution, solely calls smrf.distribute.image_data.image_data._initialize.

output_variables = {'cloud_factor': {'long_name': 'cloud factor', 'standard_name': 'cloud_factor', 'units': 'None'}}
post_process_variables = {}
variable = 'cloud_factor'

smrf.distribute.image_data module

class smrf.distribute.image_data.image_data(variable)[source]

Bases: object

A base distribution method in SMRF that will ensure all variables are distributed in the same manner. Other classes will be initialized using this base class.

class ta(smrf.distribute.image_data):
    This is the ta class extending the image_data base class

variable (str) – Variable name for the class


A smrf.distribute.image_data class instance


The name of the variable that this class will become


The variable will have the distributed data


The distributed data can also be stored as another attribute specified in _distribute


Parsed dictionary from the configuration file for the variable


The stations to be used for the variable, if set, in alphabetical order


The metadata Pandas dataframe containing the station information from or


Inverse distance weighting instance from smrf.spatial.idw.IDW


Detrended kriging instance from


Gridded interpolation instance from smrf.spatial.grid.GRID


Check the configuration that was set by the user for the variable that extended this class. Checks for standard distribution parameters that are common across all variables and assigns to the class instance. Sets the config and stations attributes.


cfg (dict) – dict from the [variable]


Determines the stations from the [variable] section of the configuration file.


config (dict) – dict from the [variable]


Each distributed variable has the oppurtunity to do post processing on a sub variable. This is necessary in cases where the post proecessing might need to be done on a different timescale than that of the main loop.

Should be redefined in the individual variable module.

smrf.distribute.precipitation module

class smrf.distribute.precipitation.ppt(pptConfig, start_date, time_step=60)[source]

Bases: smrf.distribute.image_data.image_data

The ppt class allows for variable specific distributions that go beyond the base class.

The instantaneous precipitation typically has a positive trend with elevation due to orographic effects. However, the precipitation distribution can be further complicated for storms that have isolated impact at only a few measurement locations, for example thunderstorms or small precipitation events. Some distribution methods may be better suited than others for capturing the trend of these small events with multiple stations that record no precipitation may have a negative impact on the distribution.

The precipitation phase, or the amount of precipitation falling as rain or snow, can significantly alter the energy and mass balance of the snowpack, either leading to snow accumulation or inducing melt [2] [3]. The precipitation phase and initial snow density estimated using a variety of models that can be set in the configuration file.

For more information on the available models, checkout snow.

After the precipitation phase is calculated, the storm information can be determined. The spatial resolution for which storm definitions are applied is based on the snow model thats selected.

The time since last storm is based on an accumulated precipitation mass threshold, the time elapsed since it last snowed, and the precipitation phase. These factors determine the start and end time of a storm that has produced enough precipitation as snow to change the surface albedo.

  • pptConfig – The [precip] section of the configuration file

  • time_step – The time step in minutes of the data, defaults to 60


configuration from [precip] section


numpy array of the precipitation


numpy array of the percent of time step that was snow


numpy array of the snow density


numpy array of the days since last storm


numpy array of the precipitation mass for the storm


numpy array of the day of the last storm (decimal day)


maximum value of last_storm day within the mask if specified


minimum value of precipitation is 0


maximum value of precipitation is infinite


stations to be used in alphabetical order

distribute(data, dpt, precip_temp, ta, time, wind, temp, az, dir_round_cell, wind_speed, cell_maxus, mask=None)[source]

Distribute given a Panda’s dataframe for a single time step. Calls smrf.distribute.image_data.image_data._distribute.

The following steps are taken when distributing precip, if there is precipitation measured:

  1. Distribute the instantaneous precipitation from the measurement data

  2. Determine the distributed precipitation phase based on the

    precipitation temperature

  3. Calculate the storms based on the accumulated mass, time since last

    storm, and precipitation phase threshold

  • data – Pandas dataframe for a single time step from precip

  • dpt – dew point numpy array that will be used for

  • precip_temp – numpy array of the precipitation temperature

  • ta – air temp numpy array

  • time – pass in the time were are currently on

  • wind – station wind speed at time step

  • temp – station air temperature at time step

  • az – numpy array for simulated wind direction

  • dir_round_cell – numpy array for wind direction in discreet increments for referencing maxus at a specific direction

  • wind_speed – numpy array of wind speed

  • cell_maxus – numpy array for maxus at correct wind directions

  • mask – basin mask to apply to the storm days for calculating the last storm day for the basin

distribute_for_marks2017(data, precip_temp, ta, time, mask=None)[source]

Specialized distribute function for working with the new accumulated snow density model Marks2017 requires storm total and a corrected precipitation as to avoid precip between storms.

distribute_for_susong1999(data, ppt_temp, time, mask=None)[source]

Susong 1999 estimates percent snow and snow density based on Susong et al, (1999) [4].

  • data (pd.DataFrame) – Precipitation mass data

  • ppt_temp (pd.DataFrame) – Precipitation temperature data

  • time – Unused

  • mask (np.array, optional) – Mask the output. Defaults to None.

distribute_thread(queue, data, date, mask=None)[source]

Distribute the data using threading and queue. All data is provided and distribute_thread will go through each time step and call smrf.distribute.precip.ppt.distribute then puts the distributed data into the queue for:

  • queue – queue dictionary for all variables

  • data – pandas dataframe for all data, indexed by date time

initialize(topo, data)[source]
output_variables = {'last_storm_day': {'long_name': 'Decimal day of the last storm since Oct 1', 'standard_name': 'day_of_last_storm', 'units': 'day'}, 'percent_snow': {'long_name': 'Percent of precipitation as snow', 'standard_name': 'percent_snow', 'units': '%'}, 'precip': {'long_name': 'Precipitation mass', 'standard_name': 'precipitation_mass', 'units': 'mm'}, 'snow_density': {'long_name': 'Precipitation snow density', 'standard_name': 'snow_density', 'units': 'kg/m3'}, 'storm_days': {'long_name': 'Days since the last storm', 'standard_name': 'days_since_last_storm', 'units': 'day'}, 'storm_total': {'long_name': 'Precipitation mass for the storm period', 'standard_name': 'precipitation_mass_storm', 'units': 'mm'}}
post_process_variables = {}
post_processor(main_obj, threaded=False)[source]

Each distributed variable has the oppurtunity to do post processing on a sub variable. This is necessary in cases where the post proecessing might need to be done on a different timescale than that of the main loop.

Should be redefined in the individual variable module.

variable = 'precip'

smrf.distribute.soil_temp module

class smrf.distribute.soil_temp.ts(soilConfig, tempDir=None)[source]

Bases: smrf.distribute.image_data.image_data

The ts class allows for variable specific distributions that go beyond the base class.

Soil temperature is simply set to a constant value during initialization. If soil temperature measurements are available, the values can be distributed using the distribution methods.

  • soilConfig – The [soil] section of the configuration file

  • tempDir – location of temp/working directory (default=None)


configuration from [soil] section


numpy array of the soil temperature


stations to be used in alphabetical order


No distribution is performed on soil temperature at the moment, method simply passes.



initialize(topo, data)[source]

Initialize the distribution and set the soil temperature to a constant value based on the configuration file.

output_variables = {'soil_temp': {'long_name': 'Soil temperature', 'standard_name': 'soil_temperature', 'units': 'degree_Celcius'}}
post_process_variables = {}
variable = 'soil_temp' module

class, stoporad_in, tempDir=None)[source]

Bases: smrf.distribute.image_data.image_data

The solar class allows for variable specific distributions that go beyond the base class.

Multiple steps are required to estimate solar radiation:

  1. Terrain corrected clear sky radiation

  2. Adjust solar radiation for vegetation effects

  3. Calculate net radiation using the albedo

The Image Processing Workbench (IPW) includes a utility stoporad to model terrain corrected clear sky radiation over the DEM. Within stoporad, the radiation transfer model twostream simulates the clear sky radiation on a flat surface for a range of wavelengths through the atmosphere [5] [6] [7]. Terrain correction using the DEM adjusts for terrain shading and splits the clear sky radiation into beam and diffuse radiation.

The second step requires sites measuring solar radiation. The measured solar radiation is compared to the modeled clear sky radiation from twostream. The cloud factor is then the measured incoming solar radiation divided by the modeled radiation. The cloud factor can be computed on an hourly timescale if the measurement locations are of high quality. For stations that are less reliable, we recommend calculating a daily cloud factor which divides the daily integrated measured radiation by the daily integrated modeled radiation. This helps to reduce the problems that may be encountered from instrument shading, instrument calibration, or a time shift in the data. The calculated cloud factor at each station can then be distrubted using any of the method available in smrf.spatial. Since the cloud factor is not explicitly controlled by elevation like other variables, the values may be distributed without detrending to elevation. The modeled clear sky radiation (both beam and diffuse) are adjusted for clouds using smrf.envphys.radiation.cf_cloud.

The third step adjusts the cloud corrected solar radiation for vegetation affects, following the methods developed by Link and Marks (1999) [8]. The direct beam radiation is corrected by:

R_b = S_b * exp( -\mu h / cos \theta )

where S_b is the above canopy direct radiation, \mu is the extinction coefficient (m^{-1}), h is the canopy height (m), \theta is the solar zenith angle, and R_b is the canopy adjusted direct radiation. Adjusting the diffuse radiation is performed by:

R_d = \tau * R_d

where R_d is the diffuse adjusted radiation, \tau is the optical transmissivity of the canopy, and R_d is the above canopy diffuse radiation. Values for \mu and \tau can be found in Link and Marks (1999) [8], measured at study sites in Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

The final step for calculating the net solar radiation requires the surface albedo from smrf.distribute.albedo. The net radiation is the sum of the of beam and diffuse canopy adjusted radiation multipled by one minus the albedo.

  • config – full configuration dictionary contain at least the sections albedo, and solar

  • stoporad_in – file path to the stoporad_in file created from

  • tempDir – location of temp/working directory (default=None, which is the ‘WORKDIR’ environment variable)


configuration from [albedo] section


configuration from [albedo] section


numpy array modeled clear sky infrared beam radiation


numpy array modeled clear sky infrared diffuse radiation


numpy array modeled clear sky visible beam radiation


numpy array modeled clear sky visible diffuse radiation


numpy array distributed cloud factor


numpy array cloud adjusted infrared beam radiation


numpy array cloud adjusted infrared diffuse radiation


numpy array cloud adjusted visible beam radiation


numpy array cloud adjusted visible diffuse radiation


temporary file from stoporad for infrared clear sky radiation


metadata for the station data


numpy array for the calculated net solar radiation


stations to be used in alphabetical order


file path to the stoporad_in file created from


temporary directory for stoporad, will default to the WORKDIR environment variable


numpy array of vegetation heights from


numpy array vegetation adjusted infrared beam radiation


numpy array vegetation adjusted infrared diffuse radiation


numpy array of vegetation extinction coefficient from


numpy array of vegetation optical transmissivity from


numpy array vegetation adjusted visible beam radiation


numpy array vegetation adjusted visible diffuse radiation


temporary file from stoporad for visible clear sky radiation

calc_ir(min_storm_day, wy_day, tz_min_west, wyear, cosz, azimuth)[source]

Run stoporad for the infrared bands

  • min_storm_day – decimal day of last storm for the entire basin, from smrf.distribute.precip.ppt.last_storm_day_basin

  • wy_day – day of water year, from radiation_dates

  • tz_min_west – time zone in minutes west from UTC, from radiation_dates

  • wyear – water year, from radiation_dates

  • cosz – cosine of the zenith angle for the basin, from smrf.envphys.radiation.sunang

  • azimuth – azimuth to the sun for the basin, from smrf.envphys.radiation.sunang

calc_net(albedo_vis, albedo_ir)[source]

Calculate the net radiation using the vegetation adjusted radiation. Sets net_solar.

calc_vis(min_storm_day, wy_day, tz_min_west, wyear, cosz, azimuth)[source]

Run stoporad for the visible bands

  • min_storm_day – decimal day of last storm for the entire basin, from smrf.distribute.precip.ppt.last_storm_day_basin

  • wy_day – day of water year, from radiation_dates

  • tz_min_west – time zone in minutes west from UTC, from radiation_dates

  • wyear – water year, from radiation_dates

  • cosz – cosine of the zenith angle for the basin, from smrf.envphys.radiation.sunang

  • azimuth – azimuth to the sun for the basin, from smrf.envphys.radiation.sunang


Correct the modeled clear sky radiation for cloud cover using smrf.envphys.radiation.cf_cloud. Sets cloud_vis_beam and cloud_vis_diffuse.

distribute(t, cloud_factor, illum_ang, cosz, azimuth, min_storm_day, albedo_vis, albedo_ir)[source]

Distribute air temperature given a Panda’s dataframe for a single time step. Calls smrf.distribute.image_data.image_data._distribute.

If the sun is up, i.e. cosz > 0, then the following steps are performed:

  1. Model clear sky radiation

  2. Cloud correct with

  3. vegetation correct with

  4. Calculate net radiation with

If sun is down, then all calculated values will be set to None, signaling the output functions to put zeros in their place.

  • cloud_factor – Numpy array of the domain for cloud factor

  • cosz – cosine of the zenith angle for the basin, from smrf.envphys.radiation.sunang

  • azimuth – azimuth to the sun for the basin, from smrf.envphys.radiation.sunang

  • min_storm_day – decimal day of last storm for the entire basin, from smrf.distribute.precip.ppt.last_storm_day_basin

  • albedo_vis – numpy array for visible albedo, from smrf.distribute.albedo.albedo.albedo_vis

  • albedo_ir – numpy array for infrared albedo, from smrf.distribute.albedo.albedo.albedo_ir

distribute_thread(queue, data)[source]

Distribute the data using threading and queue. All data is provided and distribute_thread will go through each time step following the methods outlined in The data queues puts the distributed data into:

  • queue – queue dictionary for all variables

  • data – pandas dataframe for all data, indexed by date time

distribute_thread_clear(queue, data, calc_type)[source]

Distribute the data using threading and queue. All data is provided and distribute_thread will go through each time step and model clear sky radiation with stoporad. The data queues puts the distributed data into:

initialize(topo, data)[source]

Initialize the distribution, soley calls smrf.distribute.image_data.image_data._initialize. Sets the following attributes:

output_variables = {'clear_ir_beam': {'long_name': 'Clear sky infrared beam solar radiation', 'standard_name': 'clear_sky_infrared_beam', 'units': 'watt/m2'}, 'clear_ir_diffuse': {'long_name': 'Clear sky infrared diffuse solar radiation', 'standard_name': 'clear_sky_infrared_diffuse', 'units': 'watt/m2'}, 'clear_vis_beam': {'long_name': 'Clear sky visible beam solar radiation', 'standard_name': 'clear_sky_visible_beam', 'units': 'watt/m2'}, 'clear_vis_diffuse': {'long_name': 'Clear sky visible diffuse solar radiation', 'standard_name': 'clear_sky_visible_diffuse', 'units': 'watt/m2'}, 'cloud_ir_beam': {'long_name': 'Cloud corrected infrared beam solar radiation', 'standard_name': 'cloud_infrared_beam', 'units': 'watt/m2'}, 'cloud_ir_diffuse': {'long_name': 'Cloud corrected infrared diffuse solar radiation', 'standard_name': 'cloud_infrared_diffuse', 'units': 'watt/m2'}, 'cloud_vis_beam': {'long_name': 'Cloud corrected visible beam solar radiation', 'standard_name': 'cloud_visible_beam', 'units': 'watt/m2'}, 'cloud_vis_diffuse': {'long_name': 'Cloud corrected visible diffuse solar radiation', 'standard_name': 'cloud_visible_diffuse', 'units': 'watt/m2'}, 'net_solar': {'long_name': 'Net solar radiation', 'standard_name': 'net_solar_radiation', 'units': 'watt/m2'}, 'veg_ir_beam': {'long_name': 'Vegetation corrected infrared beam solar radiation', 'standard_name': 'vegetation_infrared_beam', 'units': 'watt/m2'}, 'veg_ir_diffuse': {'long_name': 'Vegetation corrected infrared diffuse solar radiation', 'standard_name': 'vegetation_infrared_diffuse', 'units': 'watt/m2'}, 'veg_vis_beam': {'long_name': 'Vegetation corrected visible beam solar radiation', 'standard_name': 'vegetation_visible_beam', 'units': 'watt/m2'}, 'veg_vis_diffuse': {'long_name': 'Vegetation corrected visible diffuse solar radiation', 'standard_name': 'vegetation_visible_diffuse', 'units': 'watt/m2'}}
post_process_variables = {}

Calculate some times based on the date for stoporad


date_time – date time object


tuple containing:

  • wy_day - day of water year from October 1

  • wyear - water year

  • tz_min_west - minutes west of UTC for timezone

Return type


variable = 'solar'

Correct the cloud adjusted radiation for vegetation using smrf.envphys.radiation.veg_beam and smrf.envphys.radiation.veg_diffuse. Sets veg_vis_beam, veg_vis_diffuse, veg_ir_beam, and veg_ir_diffuse.


illum_ang – numpy array of the illumination angle over the DEM, from smrf.envphys.radiation.sunang

smrf.distribute.thermal module


Bases: smrf.distribute.image_data.image_data

The th class allows for variable specific distributions that go beyond the base class.

Thermal radiation, or long-wave radiation, is calculated based on the clear sky radiation emitted by the atmosphere. Multiple methods for calculating thermal radition exist and SMRF has 4 options for estimating clear sky thermal radiation. Selecting one of the options below will change the equations used. The methods were chosen based on the study by Flerchinger et al (2009) [9] who performed a model comparison using 21 AmeriFlux sites from North America and China.


The methods follow those developed by Marks and Dozier (1979) [10] that calculates the effective clear sky atmospheric emissivity using the distributed air temperature, distributed dew point temperature, and the elevation. The clear sky radiation is further adjusted for topographic affects based on the percent of the sky visible at any given point.


L_{clear} = 59.38 + 113.7 * \left( \frac{T_a}{273.16} \right)^6 + 96.96 \sqrt{w/25}

References: Dilley and O’Brian (1998) [11]


\epsilon_{clear} = 1 - (1 + w) * exp(-1.2 + 3w)^{1/2}

References: Prata (1996) [12]


\epsilon_{clear} = 0.83 - 0.18 * 10^{-0.067 e_a}

References: Angstrom (1918) [13] as cityed by Niemela et al (2001) [14]

Comparing the 4 thermal methods.

Fig. 5 The 4 different methods for estimating clear sky thermal radiation for a single time step. As compared to the Mark1979 method, the other methods provide a wide range in the estimated value of thermal radiation.

The topographic correct clear sky thermal radiation is further adjusted for cloud affects. Cloud correction is based on fraction of cloud cover, a cloud factor close to 1 meaning no clouds are present, there is little radiation added. When clouds are present, or a cloud factor close to 0, then additional long wave radiation is added to account for the cloud cover. Selecting one of the options below will change the equations used. The methods were chosen based on the study by Flerchinger et al (2009) [9], where c=1-cloud\_factor.


Cloud correction is based on the relationship in Garen and Marks (2005) [15] between the cloud factor and measured long wave radiation using measurement stations in the Boise River Basin.

L_{cloud} = L_{clear} * (1.485 - 0.488 * cloud\_factor)


L_d &= L_{clear} + \tau_8 c f_8 \sigma T^{4}_{c}

\tau_8 &= 1 - \epsilon_{8z} (1.4 - 0.4 \epsilon_{8z})

\epsilon_{8z} &= 0.24 + 2.98 \times 10^{-6} e^2_o exp(3000/T_o)

f_8 &= -0.6732 + 0.6240 \times 10^{-2} T_c - 0.9140 \times 10^{-5} T^2_c

References: Unsworth and Monteith (1975) [16]


L_d &= L_{clear} + \tau_8 c \sigma T^4_c

where the original Kimball et al. (1982) [17] was for multiple cloud layers, which was simplified to one layer. T_c is the cloud temperature and is assumed to be 11 K cooler than T_a.

References: Kimball et al. (1982) [17]


\epsilon_a = (1 - cloud\_factor) + cloud\_factor * \epsilon_{clear}

References: Crawford and Duchon (1999) [18] where cloud\_factor is the ratio of measured solar radiation to the clear sky irradiance.

The results from Flerchinger et al (2009) [9] showed that the Kimball1982 cloud correction with Dilley1998 clear sky algorthim had the lowest RMSD. The Crawford1999 worked best when combined with Angstrom1918, Dilley1998, or Prata1996.

Comparing the 4 thermal cloud correction methods.

Fig. 6 The 4 different methods for correcting clear sky thermal radiation for cloud affects at a single time step. As compared to the Garen2005 method, the other methods are typically higher where clouds are present (i.e. the lower left) where the cloud factor is around 0.4.

The thermal radiation is further adjusted for canopy cover after the work of Link and Marks (1999) [8]. The correction is based on the vegetation’s transmissivity, with the canopy temperature assumed to be the air temperature for vegetation greater than 2 meters. The thermal radiation is adjusted by

L_{canopy} = \tau_d * L_{cloud} + (1 - \tau_d) \epsilon \sigma T_a^4

where \tau_d is the optical transmissivity, L_{cloud} is the cloud corrected thermal radiation, \epsilon is the emissivity of the canopy (0.96), \sigma is the Stephan-Boltzmann constant, and T_a is the distributed air temperature.


thermalConfig – The [thermal] section of the configuration file


configuration from [thermal] section


numpy array of the precipitation


minimum value of thermal is -600 W/m^2


maximum value of thermal is 600 W/m^2


stations to be used in alphabetical order


numpy array for the DEM, from


numpy array for the veg type, from


numpy array for the veg height, from


numpy array for the veg K, from


numpy array for the veg transmissivity, from


numpy array for the sky view factor, from

distribute(date_time, air_temp, vapor_pressure=None, dew_point=None, cloud_factor=None)[source]

Distribute for a single time step.

The following steps are taken when distributing thermal:

  1. Calculate the clear sky thermal radiation from


  2. Correct the clear sky thermal for the distributed cloud factor

  3. Correct for canopy affects

  • date_time – datetime object for the current step

  • air_temp – distributed air temperature for the time step

  • vapor_pressure – distributed vapor pressure for the time step

  • dew_point – distributed dew point for the time step

  • cloud_factor – distributed cloud factor for the time step measured/modeled

distribute_thermal(data, air_temp)[source]

Distribute given a Panda’s dataframe for a single time step. Calls smrf.distribute.image_data.image_data._distribute. Used when thermal is given (i.e. gridded datasets from WRF). Follows these steps:

  1. Distribute the thermal radiation from point values

  2. Correct for vegetation

  • data – thermal values

  • air_temp – distributed air temperature values

distribute_thermal_thread(queue, data)[source]

Distribute the data using threading and queue. All data is provided and distribute_thread will go through each time step and call then puts the distributed data into the queue for thermal. Used when thermal is given (i.e. gridded datasets from WRF).

  • queue – queue dictionary for all variables

  • data – pandas dataframe for all data, indexed by date time

distribute_thread(queue, date)[source]

Distribute the data using threading and queue. All data is provided and distribute_thread will go through each time step and call then puts the distributed data into the queue for thermal.

  • queue – queue dictionary for all variables

  • data – pandas dataframe for all data, indexed by date time

initialize(topo, data)[source]

Initialize the distribution, calls smrf.distribute.image_data.image_data._initialize for gridded distirbution. Sets the following from

output_variables = {'thermal': {'long_name': 'Thermal (longwave) radiation', 'standard_name': 'thermal_radiation', 'units': 'watt/m2'}, 'thermal_clear': {'long_name': 'Thermal (longwave) radiation non-corrected', 'standard_name': 'thermal_radiation non-correct', 'units': 'watt/m2'}, 'thermal_cloud': {'long_name': 'Thermal (longwave) radiation cloud corrected', 'standard_name': 'thermal_radiation cloud corrected', 'units': 'watt/m2'}, 'thermal_veg': {'long_name': 'Thermal (longwave) radiation veg corrected', 'standard_name': 'thermal_radiation veg corrected', 'units': 'watt/m2'}}
post_process_variables = {}
variable = 'thermal'

smrf.distribute.vapor_pressure module

class smrf.distribute.vapor_pressure.vp(vpConfig, precip_temp_method)[source]

Bases: smrf.distribute.image_data.image_data

The vp class allows for variable specific distributions that go beyond the base class

Vapor pressure is provided as an argument and is calculated from coincident air temperature and relative humidity measurements using utilities such as IPW’s rh2vp. The vapor pressure is distributed instead of the relative humidity as it is an absolute measurement of the vapor within the atmosphere and will follow elevational trends (typically negative). Were as relative humidity is a relative measurement which varies in complex ways over the topography. From the distributed vapor pressure, the dew point is calculated for use by other distribution methods. The dew point temperature is further corrected to ensure that it does not exceed the distributed air temperature.


vpConfig – The [vapor_pressure] section of the configuration file


configuration from [vapor_pressure] section


numpy matrix of the vapor pressure


numpy matrix of the dew point, calculated from vapor_pressure and corrected for dew_point greater than air_temp


minimum value of vapor pressure is 10 Pa


maximum value of vapor pressure is 7500 Pa


stations to be used in alphabetical order

distribute(data, ta)[source]

Distribute air temperature given a Panda’s dataframe for a single time step. Calls smrf.distribute.image_data.image_data._distribute.

The following steps are performed when distributing vapor pressure:

  1. Distribute the point vapor pressure measurements

  2. Calculate dew point temperature using


  3. Adjust dew point values to not exceed the air temperature

  • data – Pandas dataframe for a single time step from precip

  • ta – air temperature numpy array that will be used for calculating dew point temperature

distribute_thread(queue, data)[source]

Distribute the data using threading and queue. All data is provided and distribute_thread will go through each time step and call smrf.distribute.vapor_pressure.vp.distribute then puts the distributed data into the queue for:

  • queue – queue dictionary for all variables

  • data – pandas dataframe for all data, indexed by date time

initialize(topo, data)[source]

Initialize the distribution, calls smrf.distribute.image_data.image_data._initialize. Preallocates the following class attributes to zeros:

output_variables = {'dew_point': {'long_name': 'Dew point temperature', 'standard_name': 'dew_point_temperature', 'units': 'degree_Celcius'}, 'precip_temp': {'long_name': 'Precip temperature', 'standard_name': 'precip_temperature', 'units': 'degree_Celcius'}, 'vapor_pressure': {'long_name': 'Vapor pressure', 'standard_name': 'vapor_pressure', 'units': 'pascal'}}
post_process_variables = {}
variable = 'vapor_pressure'

Module contents