Source code for smrf.distribute.precipitation

import logging

import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np

from smrf.distribute import image_data
from smrf.envphys import precip, snow, storms
from smrf.utils import utils

[docs]class ppt(image_data.image_data): """ The :mod:`~smrf.distribute.precip.ppt` class allows for variable specific distributions that go beyond the base class. The instantaneous precipitation typically has a positive trend with elevation due to orographic effects. However, the precipitation distribution can be further complicated for storms that have isolated impact at only a few measurement locations, for example thunderstorms or small precipitation events. Some distribution methods may be better suited than others for capturing the trend of these small events with multiple stations that record no precipitation may have a negative impact on the distribution. The precipitation phase, or the amount of precipitation falling as rain or snow, can significantly alter the energy and mass balance of the snowpack, either leading to snow accumulation or inducing melt :cite:`Marks&al:1998` :cite:`Kormos&al:2014`. The precipitation phase and initial snow density estimated using a variety of models that can be set in the configuration file. For more information on the available models, checkout :mod:`~smrf.envphys.snow`. After the precipitation phase is calculated, the storm information can be determined. The spatial resolution for which storm definitions are applied is based on the snow model thats selected. The time since last storm is based on an accumulated precipitation mass threshold, the time elapsed since it last snowed, and the precipitation phase. These factors determine the start and end time of a storm that has produced enough precipitation as snow to change the surface albedo. Args: pptConfig: The [precip] section of the configuration file time_step: The time step in minutes of the data, defaults to 60 Attributes: config: configuration from [precip] section precip: numpy array of the precipitation percent_snow: numpy array of the percent of time step that was snow snow_density: numpy array of the snow density storm_days: numpy array of the days since last storm storm_total: numpy array of the precipitation mass for the storm last_storm_day: numpy array of the day of the last storm (decimal day) last_storm_day_basin: maximum value of last_storm day within the mask if specified min: minimum value of precipitation is 0 max: maximum value of precipitation is infinite stations: stations to be used in alphabetical order """ variable = 'precip' # these are variables that can be output output_variables = { 'precip': { 'units': 'mm', 'standard_name': 'precipitation_mass', 'long_name': 'Precipitation mass' }, 'percent_snow': { 'units': '%', 'standard_name': 'percent_snow', 'long_name': 'Percent of precipitation as snow' }, 'snow_density': { 'units': 'kg/m3', 'standard_name': 'snow_density', 'long_name': 'Precipitation snow density' }, 'storm_days': { 'units': 'day', 'standard_name': 'days_since_last_storm', 'long_name': 'Days since the last storm' }, 'storm_total': { 'units': 'mm', 'standard_name': 'precipitation_mass_storm', 'long_name': 'Precipitation mass for the storm period' }, 'last_storm_day': { 'units': 'day', 'standard_name': 'day_of_last_storm', 'long_name': 'Decimal day of the last storm since Oct 1' } } # these are variables that are operate at the end only and do not need to # be written during main distribute loop post_process_variables = {} def __init__(self, pptConfig, start_date, time_step=60): # extend the base class image_data.image_data.__init__(self, self.variable) self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # check and assign the configuration self.getConfig(pptConfig) self.time_step = float(time_step) self.start_date = start_date
[docs] def initialize(self, topo, data): self._logger.debug('Initializing distribute.precip') self._initialize(topo, data.metadata) self.percent_snow = np.zeros((topo.ny, topo.nx)) self.snow_density = np.zeros((topo.ny, topo.nx)) self.storm_days = np.zeros((topo.ny, topo.nx)) self.storm_total = np.zeros((topo.ny, topo.nx)) self.last_storm_day = np.zeros((topo.ny, topo.nx)) self.dem = topo.dem # Assign storm_days array if given if self.config["storm_days_restart"] != None: self._logger.debug('Reading {} from {}'.format( 'storm_days', self.config['storm_days_restart'])) f = nc.Dataset(self.config['storm_days_restart'], 'r') if 'storm_days' in f.variables: time = f.variables['time'][:] t = f.variables['time'] time = nc.num2date(t[:], t.getncattr( 'units'), t.getncattr('calendar')) # start at index of storm_days - 1 time_ind = np.where(time == self.start_date)[0] - 1 if not time_ind: self._logger.warning( 'Invalid storm_days input! Setting to 0.0') self.storm_days = np.zeros((topo.ny, topo.nx)) else: self.storm_days = f.variables['storm_days'][time_ind, :, :][0] else: self._logger.warning('Variable {} not in {}, setting to 0.0'.format( 'storm_days', self.config['storm_days_restart'])) self.storm_days = np.zeros((topo.ny, topo.nx)) f.close() self.ppt_threshold = self.config['storm_mass_threshold'] # Time steps needed to end a storm definition self.time_to_end_storm = self.config['marks2017_timesteps_to_end_storms'] self.nasde_model = self.config['new_snow_density_model'] '''Using {0} for the new accumulated snow density model: '''.format(self.nasde_model)) if self.nasde_model == 'marks2017': self.storm_total = np.zeros((topo.ny, topo.nx)) self.storms = [] self.time_steps_since_precip = 0 self.storming = False # Clip and adjust the precip data so that there is only precip # during the storm and ad back in the missing data to conserve mass data.precip = data.precip[self.stations] self.storms, storm_count = storms.tracking_by_station(data.precip, mass_thresh=self.ppt_threshold, steps_thresh=self.time_to_end_storm) self.corrected_precip = storms.clip_and_correct(data.precip, self.storms, stations=self.stations) # self._logger.debug('''Conservation of mass check (precip - # precip_clipped):\n{0}'''.format( # data.precip.sum() - # corrected_precip.sum())) if storm_count != 0: "Identified Storms:\n{0}".format(self.storms)) self.storm_id = 0 "Estimated number of storms: {0}".format(storm_count)) else: if (data.precip.sum() > 0).any(): self.storm_id = np.nan self._logger.warning("Zero events triggered a storm " " definition, None of the precip will" " be used in this run.") # if redistributing due to wind if self.config['precip_rescaling_model'] == 'winstral': self._tbreak_file = nc.Dataset( self.config['winstral_tbreak_netcdf'], 'r') self.tbreak = self._tbreak_file.variables['tbreak'][:] self.tbreak_direction = self._tbreak_file.variables['direction'][:] self._tbreak_file.close() self._logger.debug('Read data from {}' .format(self.config['winstral_tbreak_netcdf'])) # get the veg values self.veg_type = topo.veg_type matching = [s for s in self.config.keys() if "winstral_veg_" in s] v = {} for m in matching: if m != 'winstral_veg_default': ms = m.split('_') # v[ms[1]] = float(self.config[m]) if type(self.config[m]) == list: v[ms[1]] = float(self.config[m][0]) else: v[ms[1]] = float(self.config[m]) self.veg = v self.mask = topo.mask
[docs] def distribute(self, data, dpt, precip_temp, ta, time, wind, temp, az, dir_round_cell, wind_speed, cell_maxus, mask=None): """ Distribute given a Panda's dataframe for a single time step. Calls :mod:`smrf.distribute.image_data.image_data._distribute`. The following steps are taken when distributing precip, if there is precipitation measured: 1. Distribute the instantaneous precipitation from the measurement data 2. Determine the distributed precipitation phase based on the precipitation temperature 3. Calculate the storms based on the accumulated mass, time since last storm, and precipitation phase threshold Args: data: Pandas dataframe for a single time step from precip dpt: dew point numpy array that will be used for precip_temp: numpy array of the precipitation temperature ta: air temp numpy array time: pass in the time were are currently on wind: station wind speed at time step temp: station air temperature at time step az: numpy array for simulated wind direction dir_round_cell: numpy array for wind direction in discreet increments for referencing maxus at a specific direction wind_speed: numpy array of wind speed cell_maxus: numpy array for maxus at correct wind directions mask: basin mask to apply to the storm days for calculating the last storm day for the basin """ self._logger.debug('%s Distributing all precip' % data = data[self.stations] if self.config['distribution'] != 'grid': if self.nasde_model == 'marks2017': # Adjust the precip for undercatchment if self.config['station_adjust_for_undercatch']: self._logger.debug( '%s Adjusting precip for undercatch...' % self.corrected_precip.loc[time] = \ precip.adjust_for_undercatch(self.corrected_precip.loc[time], wind, temp, self.config, self.metadata) # Use the clipped and corrected precip self.distribute_for_marks2017(self.corrected_precip.loc[time], precip_temp, ta, time, mask=mask) else: # Adjust the precip for undercatchment if self.config['station_adjust_for_undercatch']: self._logger.debug( '%s Adjusting precip for undercatch...' % data = precip.adjust_for_undercatch(data, wind, temp, self.config, self.metadata) self.distribute_for_susong1999( data, precip_temp, time, mask=mask) else: self.distribute_for_susong1999(data, precip_temp, time, mask=mask) # redistribute due to wind to account for driftin if self.config['precip_rescaling_model'] == 'winstral': self._logger.debug('%s Redistributing due to wind' % if np.any(dpt < 0.5): self.precip = precip.dist_precip_wind(self.precip, dpt, az, dir_round_cell, wind_speed, cell_maxus, self.tbreak, self.tbreak_direction, self.veg_type, self.veg, self.config)
[docs] def distribute_for_marks2017(self, data, precip_temp, ta, time, mask=None): """ Specialized distribute function for working with the new accumulated snow density model Marks2017 requires storm total and a corrected precipitation as to avoid precip between storms. """ # self.corrected_precip # = data.mul(self.storm_correction) if data.sum() > 0.0: # Check for time in every storm for i, s in self.storms.iterrows(): storm_start = s['start'] storm_end = s['end'] if time >= storm_start and time <= storm_end: # establish storm info self.storm_id = i storm = self.storms.iloc[self.storm_id] self.storming = True break else: self.storming = False self._logger.debug("Storming? {0}".format(self.storming)) self._logger.debug("Current Storm ID = {0}".format(self.storm_id)) # distribute data and set the min/max self._distribute(data, zeros=None) self.precip = utils.set_min_max(self.precip, self.min, self.max) if time == storm_start: # Entered into a new storm period distribute the storm total self._logger.debug('{0} Entering storm #{1}' .format(, self.storm_id+1)) if precip_temp.min() < 2.0: self._logger.debug('''Distributing Total Precip for Storm #{0}''' .format(self.storm_id+1)) self._distribute(storm[self.stations].astype(float), other_attribute='storm_total') self.storm_total = utils.set_min_max(self.storm_total, self.min, self.max) if self.storming and precip_temp.min() < 2.0: self._logger.debug('''Calculating new snow density for storm #{0}'''.format(self.storm_id+1)) # determine the precip phase and den snow_den, perc_snow = snow.calc_phase_and_density(precip_temp, self.precip, nasde_model=self.nasde_model) else: snow_den = np.zeros(self.precip.shape) perc_snow = np.zeros(self.precip.shape) # calculate decimal days since last storm self.storm_days = storms.time_since_storm_pixel(self.precip, precip_temp, perc_snow, storming=self.storming, time_step=self.time_step/60.0/24.0, stormDays=self.storm_days, mass=self.ppt_threshold) else: self.storm_days += self.time_step/60.0/24.0 self.precip = np.zeros(self.storm_days.shape) perc_snow = np.zeros(self.storm_days.shape) snow_den = np.zeros(self.storm_days.shape) # save the model state self.percent_snow = perc_snow self.snow_density = snow_den # day of last storm, this will be used in albedo self.last_storm_day = utils.water_day([0] - \ self.storm_days - 0.001 # get the time since most recent storm if mask is not None: self.last_storm_day_basin = np.max(mask * self.last_storm_day) else: self.last_storm_day_basin = np.max(self.last_storm_day)
[docs] def distribute_for_susong1999(self, data, ppt_temp, time, mask=None): """Susong 1999 estimates percent snow and snow density based on Susong et al, (1999) :cite:`Susong&al:1999`. Args: data (pd.DataFrame): Precipitation mass data ppt_temp (pd.DataFrame): Precipitation temperature data time : Unused mask (np.array, optional): Mask the output. Defaults to None. """ if data.sum() > 0: self._distribute(data) self.precip = utils.set_min_max(self.precip, self.min, self.max) # determine the precip phase and den snow_den, perc_snow = snow.calc_phase_and_density( ppt_temp, self.precip, nasde_model=self.nasde_model) # determine the time since last storm stormDays, stormPrecip = storms.time_since_storm( self.precip, perc_snow, time_step=self.time_step/60/24, mass=self.ppt_threshold, time=self.time_to_end_storm, stormDays=self.storm_days, stormPrecip=self.storm_total) # save the model state self.percent_snow = perc_snow self.snow_density = snow_den self.storm_days = stormDays self.storm_total = stormPrecip else: self.storm_days += self.time_step/60/24 # make everything else zeros self.precip = np.zeros(self.storm_days.shape) self.percent_snow = np.zeros(self.storm_days.shape) self.snow_density = np.zeros(self.storm_days.shape) # day of last storm, this will be used in albedo self.last_storm_day = utils.water_day([0] - \ self.storm_days - 0.001 # get the time since most recent storm if mask is not None: self.last_storm_day_basin = np.max(mask * self.last_storm_day) else: self.last_storm_day_basin = np.max(self.last_storm_day)
[docs] def distribute_thread(self, queue, data, date, mask=None): """ Distribute the data using threading and queue. All data is provided and ``distribute_thread`` will go through each time step and call :mod:`smrf.distribute.precip.ppt.distribute` then puts the distributed data into the queue for: * :py:attr:`percent_snow` * :py:attr:`snow_density` * :py:attr:`storm_days` * :py:attr:`last_storm_day_basin` Args: queue: queue dictionary for all variables data: pandas dataframe for all data, indexed by date time """"Distributing {}".format(self.variable)) for t in data.precip.index: dpt = queue['dew_point'].get(t) precip_temp = queue['precip_temp'].get(t) ta = queue['air_temp'].get(t) # variables for wind redistribution az = queue['wind_direction'].get(t) wind_speed = queue['wind_speed'].get(t) flatwind = queue['flatwind'].get(t) dir_round_cell = queue['dir_round_cell'].get(t) cell_maxus = queue['cellmaxus'].get(t) self.distribute(data.precip.loc[t], dpt, precip_temp, ta, t, data.wind_speed.loc[t], data.air_temp.loc[t], az, dir_round_cell, flatwind, cell_maxus, mask=mask) queue[self.variable].put([t, self.precip]) queue['percent_snow'].put([t, self.percent_snow]) queue['snow_density'].put([t, self.snow_density]) queue['last_storm_day_basin'].put([t, self.last_storm_day_basin]) queue['storm_days'].put([t, self.storm_days]) queue['storm_total'].put([t, self.storm_total]) if self.nasde_model == "marks2017": queue['storm_id'].put([t, self.storm_id])
[docs] def post_processor(self, main_obj, threaded=False): pass
# #"Estimated total number of storms: {0} ...".format(len(self.storms))) # # #Open files # pp_fname = os.path.join(main_obj.config['output']['out_location'], '') # t_fname = os.path.join(main_obj.config['output']['out_location'], '') # # pds = Dataset(pp_fname,'r') # tds = Dataset(t_fname,'r') # # #Calculate the start of the simulation from file for calculating count # sim_start = (datetime.strptime((pds.variables['time'].units.split('since')[-1]).strip(),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%S')) # self._logger.debug("There were {0} total storms during this run".format(len(self.storms))) # # # #Cycle through all the storms # for i,storm in enumerate(self.storms): # self._logger.debug("Calculating snow density for Storm #{0}".format(i+1)) # self.post_process_snow_density(main_obj,pds,tds,storm) # # pds.close() # tds.close()
[docs] def post_processor_threaded(self, main_obj): #"Post processing snow_density...") # #Open files # pp_fname = os.path.join(main_obj.config['output']['out_location'], '') # t_fname = os.path.join(main_obj.config['output']['out_location'], '') # pds = Dataset(pp_fname,'r') # tds = Dataset(t_fname,'r') pass
# Create a queue # calc data # output # clean