Source code for smrf.utils.utils

20160104 Scott Havens

Collection of utility functions

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
import pytz
import os
from smrf.utils import io
from shutil import copyfile
from .gitinfo import __gitVersion__, __gitPath__
from smrf import __version__, __core_config__
import random
import sys
from inicheck.checkers import CheckType
from inicheck.output import generate_config

[docs]class CheckStation(CheckType): def __init__(self,**kwargs): super(CheckStation,self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def cast(self): return self.value.upper()
[docs]def find_configs(directory): """ Searches through a directory and returns all the .ini fulll filenames. Args: directory: string path to directory. Returns: configs: list of paths pointing to the config file. """ configs = [] directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(directory)) for f in os.listdir(directory): if f.split('.')[-1] == 'ini': configs.append(os.path.join(directory,f)) return configs
[docs]def handle_run_script_options(config_option): """ Handle function for dealing with args in the SMRF run script Args: config_option: string path to a directory or a specific config file. Returns: configFile:Full path to an existing config file. """ config_option = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(config_option)) #User passes a directory if os.path.isdir(config_option): configs = find_configs(config_option) if len(configs) > 1: print("\nError: Multiple config files detected in {0} please ensure" " only one is in the folder.\n".format(config_option)) sys.exit() else: configFile = configs[0] else: configFile = config_option if not os.path.isfile(configFile): print('\nError: Please provide a config file or a directory containing' ' one.\n') sys.exit() return configFile
[docs]def nan_helper(y): """ Helper to handle indices and logical indices of NaNs. Example: >>> # linear interpolation of NaNs >>> nans, x= nan_helper(y) >>> y[nans]= np.interp(x(nans), x(~nans), y[~nans]) Args: y: 1d numpy array with possible NaNs Returns: tuple: **nans** - logical indices of NaNs **index** - a function, with signature indices=index(logical_indices) to convert logical indices of NaNs to 'equivalent' indices """ return np.isnan(y), lambda z: z.nonzero()[0]
[docs]def set_min_max(data, min_val, max_val): """ Ensure that the data is in the bounds of min and max Args: data: numpy array of data to be min/maxed min_val: minimum threshold to trim data max_val: Maximum threshold to trim data Returns: data: numpy array of data trimmed at min_val and max_val """ if max_val == None: max_val = np.inf if min_val == None: min_val = -np.inf ind = np.isnan(data) data[data <= min_val] = min_val data[data >= max_val] = max_val data[ind] = np.nan return data
[docs]def water_day(indate): """ Determine the decimal day in the water year Args: indate: datetime object Returns: tuple: **dd** - decimal day from start of water year **wy** - Water year 20160105 Scott Havens """ tp = indate.timetuple() # create a test start of the water year test_date = datetime(tp.tm_year, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0) test_date = test_date.replace(tzinfo=pytz.timezone(indate.tzname())) # check to see if it makes sense if indate < test_date: wy = tp.tm_year else: wy = tp.tm_year + 1 # actual water year start wy_start = datetime(wy-1, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0) wy_start = wy_start.replace(tzinfo=pytz.timezone(indate.tzname())) # determine the decimal difference d = indate - wy_start dd = d.days + d.seconds/86400.0 return dd, wy
[docs]def is_leap_year(year): return (year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 != 0) or year % 400 == 0
[docs]def backup_input(data, config_obj): """ Backs up input data files so a user can rerun a run with the exact data used for a run. Args: data: Pandas dataframe containing the station data config_obj: The config object produced by inicheck """ # Make the output dir backup_dir = os.path.join(config_obj.cfg['output']['out_location'], 'input_backup') if not os.path.isdir(backup_dir): os.mkdir(backup_dir) csv_names = {} # Check config file for csv section and remove alternate data form config if 'csv' not in config_obj.cfg.keys(): config_obj.cfg['csv'] = {} # With a new section added, we need to remove the other data sections config_obj.apply_recipes() # Output station data to CSV csv_var = ['metadata', 'air_temp', 'vapor_pressure', 'precip','wind_speed', 'wind_direction','cloud_factor'] for k in csv_var: fname = os.path.join(backup_dir,k + '.csv') v = getattr(data,k) v.to_csv(fname) # Adjust and output the inifile config_obj.cfg['csv'][k] = fname # Copy topo files over to backup ignore = ['basin_lon', 'basin_lat', 'type'] for s in config_obj.cfg['topo']: src = config_obj.cfg['topo'][s] # Avoid attempring to copy files that don't exist if s not in ignore and src != None: dst = os.path.join(backup_dir, os.path.basename(src)) config_obj.cfg["topo"][s] = dst copyfile(src, dst) # We dont want to backup the backup config_obj.cfg['output']['input_backup'] = False # Output inifile generate_config(config_obj,os.path.join(backup_dir,'backup_config.ini'))
[docs]def getgitinfo(): """ gitignored file that contains specific SMRF version and path Returns: str: git version from 'git describe' """ # return git describe if in git tracked SMRF if len(__gitVersion__) > 1: return __gitVersion__ # return overarching version if not in git tracked SMRF else: version = 'v'+__version__ return version
[docs]def getConfigHeader(): """ Generates string for inicheck to add to config files Returns: cfg_str: string for cfg headers """ cfg_str = ("Config File for SMRF {0}\n" "For more SMRF related help see:\n" "{1}").format(getgitinfo(),'') return cfg_str
[docs]def check_station_colocation(metadata_csv=None,metadata=None): """ Takes in a data frame representing the metadata for the weather stations as produced by :mod:`smrf.framework.model_framework.SMRF.loadData` and check to see if any stations have the same location. Args: metadata_csv: CSV containing the metdata for weather stations metadata: Pandas Dataframe containing the metdata for weather stations Returns: repeat_sta: list of station primary_id that are colocated """ if metadata_csv != None: metadata = pd.read_csv(metadata_csv) metadata.set_index('primary_id', inplace=True) #Unique station locations unique_x = list(metadata.xi.unique()) unique_y = list(metadata.yi.unique()) repeat_sta = [] #Cycle through all the positions look for multiple stations at a position for x in unique_x: for y in unique_y: x_search = metadata['xi'] == x y_search = metadata['yi'] == y stations = metadata.index[x_search & y_search].tolist() if len(stations) > 1: repeat_sta.append(stations) if len(repeat_sta) == 0: repeat_sta = None return repeat_sta
[docs]def get_config_doc_section_hdr(): """ Returns the header dictionary for linking modules in smrf to the documentation generated by inicheck auto doc functions """ hdr_dict = {} dist_modules = ['air_temp', 'vapor_pressure', 'precip', 'wind', 'albedo', 'thermal','solar','soil_temp'] for d in dist_modules: if d == 'precip': sec = 'precipitation' else: sec = d # If distributed module link api intro = ("The {0} section controls all the available parameters that" " effect the distribution of the {0} module, espcially the" " associated models. For more detailed information please see" " :mod:`smrf.distribute.{0}`").format(sec) hdr_dict[d] = intro return hdr_dict
[docs]def getqotw(): p = os.path.dirname(__core_config__) q_f = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('{0}'.format(p),'.qotw')) with open(q_f) as f: qs = f.readlines() f.close() i = random.randrange(0,len(qs)) return qs[i]