Source code for

import numpy as np
import netCDF4 as nc
import pandas as pd
import logging
import os
import utm
import subprocess as sp
from smrf.envphys import phys

    from weather_forecast_retrieval import hrrr

[docs]class grid(): """ Class for loading and storing the data, either from a gridded dataset in: - NetCDF format - other format Inputs to data() are: - dataConfig, from the [gridded] section - start_date, datetime object - end_date, datetime object """ def __init__(self, dataConfig, topo, start_date, end_date, time_zone='UTC', dataType='wrf', tempDir=None, forecast_flag=False, day_hour=0, n_forecast_hours=18): if (tempDir is None) | (tempDir == 'WORKDIR'): tempDir = os.environ['WORKDIR'] self.tempDir = tempDir self.dataConfig = dataConfig self.dataType = dataType self.start_date = start_date self.end_date = end_date self.time_zone = time_zone self.forecast_flag = forecast_flag self.day_hour = day_hour self.n_forecast_hours = n_forecast_hours self.force_zone_number = None if 'force_zone_number' in dataConfig: self.force_zone_number = dataConfig['zone_number'] # The data that will be output self.variables = ['air_temp', 'vapor_pressure', 'precip', 'wind_speed', 'wind_direction', 'cloud_factor', 'thermal'] # get the bounds of the model so that only the values inside # the model domain are used self.x = topo.x self.y = topo.y # get the zone number and the bounding box u = utm.from_latlon(topo.topoConfig['basin_lat'], topo.topoConfig['basin_lon'], self.force_zone_number) self.zone_number = u[2] self.zone_letter = u[3] ur = np.array(utm.to_latlon(np.max(self.x), np.max(self.y), self.zone_number, self.zone_letter)) ll = np.array(utm.to_latlon(np.min(self.x), np.min(self.y), self.zone_number, self.zone_letter)) buff = 0.1 # buffer of bounding box in degrees ur += buff ll -= buff self.bbox = np.append(np.flipud(ll), np.flipud(ur)) self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # load the data if dataType == 'wrf': self.load_from_wrf() elif dataType == 'netcdf': self.load_from_netcdf() elif dataType == 'hrrr': self.load_from_hrrr() else: raise Exception('Could not resolve dataType') # # correct for the timezone # for v in self.variables: # d = getattr(self, v) # setattr(self, v, d.tz_localize(tz=self.time_zone))
[docs] def load_from_hrrr(self): """ Load the data from the High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) model The variables returned from the HRRR class in dataframes are - metadata - air_temp - relative_humidity - precip_int - cloud_factor - wind_u - wind_v The function will take the keys and load them into the appropriate objects within the `grid` class. The vapor pressure will be calculated from the `air_temp` and `relative_humidity`. The `wind_speed` and `wind_direction` will be calculated from `wind_u` and `wind_v` """'Reading data from from HRRR directory: {}'.format( self.dataConfig['directory'] )) # forecast hours for each run hour if not self.forecast_flag: fcast = [0] else: fcast = range(self.n_forecast_hours + 1) metadata, data = hrrr.HRRR(external_logger=self._logger).get_saved_data( self.start_date, self.end_date, self.bbox, output_dir=self.dataConfig['directory'], force_zone_number=self.force_zone_number, forecast=fcast, forecast_flag=self.forecast_flag, day_hour=self.day_hour) # the data may be returned as type=object, convert to numeric # correct for the timezone for key in data.keys(): data[key] = data[key].apply(pd.to_numeric) data[key] = data[key].tz_localize(tz=self.time_zone) self.metadata = metadata idx = data['air_temp'].index cols = data['air_temp'].columns self._logger.debug('Loading air_temp') self.air_temp = data['air_temp'] # calculate vapor pressure self._logger.debug('Loading vapor_pressure') vp = phys.rh2vp(data['air_temp'].values, data['relative_humidity'].values) self.vapor_pressure = pd.DataFrame(vp, index=idx, columns=cols) # calculate the wind speed and wind direction self._logger.debug('Loading wind_speed and wind_direction') min_speed = 0.47 # calculate the wind speed s = np.sqrt(data['wind_u']**2 + data['wind_v']**2) s[s < min_speed] = min_speed # calculate the wind direction d = np.degrees(np.arctan2(data['wind_v'], data['wind_u'])) ind = d < 0 d[ind] = d[ind] + 360 self.wind_speed = pd.DataFrame(s, index=idx, columns=cols) self.wind_direction = pd.DataFrame(d, index=idx, columns=cols) self._logger.debug('Loading precip') self.precip = pd.DataFrame(data['precip_int'], index=idx, columns=cols) self._logger.debug('Loading cloud_factor') self.cloud_factor = pd.DataFrame(data['cloud_factor'], index=idx, columns=cols)
# @profile
[docs] def load_from_netcdf(self): """ Load the data from a generic netcdf file Args: lat: latitude field in file, 1D array lon: longitude field in file, 1D array elev: elevation field in file, 2D array variable: variable name in file, 3D array """'Reading data coming from netcdf: {}'.format( self.dataConfig['file']) ) f = nc.Dataset(self.dataConfig['file'], 'r') # GET THE LAT, LON, ELEV FROM THE FILE mlat = f.variables['lat'][:] mlon = f.variables['lon'][:] mhgt = f.variables['elev'][:] [mlon, mlat] = np.meshgrid(mlon, mlat) # GET THE METADATA # create some fake station names based on the index a = np.argwhere(mlon) primary_id = ['grid_y%i_x%i' % (i[0], i[1]) for i in a] self._logger.debug('{} grid cells within model domain'.format(len(a))) # create a metadata dataframe to store all the grid info metadata = pd.DataFrame(index=primary_id, columns=('X', 'Y', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'elevation')) metadata['latitude'] = mlat.flatten() metadata['longitude'] = mlon.flatten() metadata['elevation'] = mhgt.flatten() metadata = metadata.apply(apply_utm, args=(self.force_zone_number,), axis=1) self.metadata = metadata # GET THE TIMES t = f.variables['time'] time = nc.num2date(t[:], t.getncattr('units'), t.getncattr('calendar')) # subset the times to only those needed time_ind = (time >= pd.to_datetime(self.start_date)) & \ (time <= pd.to_datetime(self.end_date)) time = time[time_ind] # time_idx = np.where(time_ind)[0] # GET THE DATA, ONE AT A TIME for v in self.variables: if v in self.dataConfig: v_file = self.dataConfig[v] self._logger.debug('Loading {} from {}'.format(v, v_file)) df = pd.DataFrame(index=time, columns=primary_id) for i in a: g = 'grid_y%i_x%i' % (i[0], i[1]) df[g] = f.variables[v_file][time_ind, i[0], i[1]] # deal with any fillValues fv = f.variables[v_file].getncattr('_FillValue') df.replace(fv, np.nan, inplace=True) setattr(self, v, df)
[docs] def load_from_wrf(self): """ Load the data from a netcdf file. This was setup to work with a WRF output file, i.e. wrf_out so it's going to look for the following variables: - Times - XLAT - XLONG - HGT - T2 - DWPT - GLW - RAINNC - CLDFRA - UGRD - VGRD Each cell will be identified by grid_IX_IY """ self.wrf_variables = ['GLW', 'T2', 'DWPT', 'UGRD', 'VGRD', 'CLDFRA', 'RAINNC'] # self.variables = ['thermal','air_temp','dew_point','wind_speed', # 'wind_direction','cloud_factor','precip'] # degree offset for a buffer around the model domain offset = 0.1'Reading data coming from WRF output: {}'.format( self.dataConfig['file'] )) f = nc.Dataset(self.dataConfig['file']) # DETERMINE THE MODEL DOMAIN AREA IN THE GRID dlat = np.zeros((2,)) dlon = np.zeros_like(dlat) dlat[0], dlon[0] = utm.to_latlon(np.min(self.x), np.min(self.y), int(self.dataConfig['zone_number']), self.dataConfig['zone_letter']) dlat[1], dlon[1] = utm.to_latlon(np.max(self.x), np.max(self.y), int(self.dataConfig['zone_number']), self.dataConfig['zone_letter']) # add a buffer dlat[0] -= offset dlat[1] += offset dlon[0] -= offset dlon[1] += offset # get the values that are in the modeling domain ind = (f.variables['XLAT'] >= dlat[0]) & \ (f.variables['XLAT'] <= dlat[1]) & \ (f.variables['XLONG'] >= dlon[0]) & \ (f.variables['XLONG'] <= dlon[1]) mlat = f.variables['XLAT'][:][ind] mlon = f.variables['XLONG'][:][ind] mhgt = f.variables['HGT'][:][ind] # GET THE METADATA # create some fake station names based on the index a = np.argwhere(ind) primary_id = ['grid_y%i_x%i' % (i[0], i[1]) for i in a] self._logger.debug('{} grid cells within model domain'.format(len(a))) # create a metadata dataframe to store all the grid info metadata = pd.DataFrame(index=primary_id, columns=('X', 'Y', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'elevation')) metadata['latitude'] = mlat.flatten() metadata['longitude'] = mlon.flatten() metadata['elevation'] = mhgt.flatten() metadata = metadata.apply(apply_utm, args=(self.force_zone_number,), axis=1) self.metadata = metadata # GET THE TIMES t = f.variables['Times'] t.set_auto_maskandscale(False) times = [('').join(v) for v in t] times = [v.replace('_', ' ') for v in times] # remove the underscore time = pd.to_datetime(times) # subset the times to only those needed time_ind = (time >= pd.to_datetime(self.start_date)) & \ (time <= pd.to_datetime(self.end_date)) time = time[time_ind] # GET THE DATA, ONE AT A TIME self._logger.debug('Loading air_temp') self.air_temp = pd.DataFrame(index=time, columns=primary_id) for i in a: g = 'grid_y%i_x%i' % (i[0], i[1]) v = f.variables['T2'][time_ind, i[0], i[1]] - 273.15 self.air_temp[g] = v self._logger.debug('Loading dew_point and calculating vapor_pressure') self.vapor_pressure = pd.DataFrame(index=time, columns=primary_id) self.dew_point = pd.DataFrame(index=time, columns=primary_id) for i in a: g = 'grid_y%i_x%i' % (i[0], i[1]) v = f.variables['DWPT'][time_ind, i[0], i[1]] self.dew_point[g] = v tmp_file = os.path.join(self.tempDir, 'dpt.txt') np.savetxt(tmp_file, v) dp_cmd = 'satvp < %s' % tmp_file p = sp.Popen(dp_cmd, shell=True, stdout=sp.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() x = np.array(filter(None, out.split('\n')), dtype='|S8') y = x.astype(np.float64) self.vapor_pressure[g] = y sp.Popen('rm %s' % tmp_file, shell=True) self._logger.debug('Loading thermal') self.thermal = pd.DataFrame(index=time, columns=primary_id) for i in a: g = 'grid_y%i_x%i' % (i[0], i[1]) v = f.variables['GLW'][time_ind, i[0], i[1]] self.thermal[g] = v self._logger.debug('Loading cloud_factor') self.cloud_factor = pd.DataFrame(index=time, columns=primary_id) cf = 1 - np.mean(f.variables['CLDFRA'][time_ind, :], axis=1) for i in a: g = 'grid_y%i_x%i' % (i[0], i[1]) v = cf[:, i[0], i[1]] self.cloud_factor[g] = v self._logger.debug('Loading wind_speed and wind_direction') self.wind_speed = pd.DataFrame(index=time, columns=primary_id) self.wind_direction = pd.DataFrame(index=time, columns=primary_id) min_speed = 0.47 u10 = f.variables['UGRD'][time_ind, :] v10 = f.variables['VGRD'][time_ind, :] # calculate the wind speed s = np.sqrt(u10**2 + v10**2) s[s < min_speed] = min_speed # calculate the wind direction d = np.degrees(np.arctan2(v10, u10)) ind = d < 0 d[ind] = d[ind] + 360 for i in a: g = 'grid_y%i_x%i' % (i[0], i[1]) self.wind_speed[g] = s[:, i[0], i[1]] self.wind_direction[g] = d[:, i[0], i[1]] self._logger.debug('Loading precip') self.precip = pd.DataFrame(index=time, columns=primary_id) precip = np.diff(f.variables['RAINNC'][time_ind, :], axis=0) for i in a: g = 'grid_y%i_x%i' % (i[0], i[1]) self.precip[g] = np.concatenate(([0], precip[:, i[0], i[1]])) # correct for the timezone and get only the desired dates for v in self.variables: d = getattr(self, v) setattr(self, v, d.tz_localize(tz=self.time_zone))
[docs]def apply_utm(s, force_zone_number): """ Calculate the utm from lat/lon for a series Args: s: pandas series with fields latitude and longitude force_zone_number: default None, zone number to force to Returns: s: pandas series with fields 'X' and 'Y' filled """ p = utm.from_latlon(s.latitude, s.longitude, force_zone_number=force_zone_number) s['X'] = p[0] s['Y'] = p[1] return s