
SMRF relies on the Image Processing Workbench (IPW) so it must be installed first. IPW currently has not been tested to run natively on Windows and must use Docker. Check the Windows section for how to run. Please go through and install the dependencies for your system prior to installing IPW and SMRF.


SMRF is only maintained for Python 3 and using Python 2 may not work.


SMRF uses the OpenMP specification v4.X and will not work with GCC >= 9.0.


SMRF is actively developed on Ubuntu and requires gcc greater than 4.8 and less than 9.0. Install the dependencies by updating, install build-essentials and installing python3-dev:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install python3-dev


Mac OSX greater than 10.8 is required to run SMRF. Mac OSX comes standard with Python installed with the default compiler clang. To utilize multi-threading and parallel processing, gcc must be installed with Python compiled with that gcc version.

Install the system dependencies using MacPorts or homebrew:

  1. MacPorts install system dependencies

port install gcc5
port install python3
  1. Homebrew install system dependencies

brew tap homebrew/versions
brew install gcc5
brew install python3


Ensure that the correct gcc and Python are activated, use gcc --version and python3 --version. If they are not set, use Homebrew or MacPorts activate features.


Since IPW has not been tested to run in Window, Docker will have to be used to run SMRF. The docker image for SMRF can be found on docker hub here. The docker image is already setup to run SMRF so the following steps do not apply for running out of a docker.

Installing IPW

Clone IPW using the command below and follow the instructions in the Install text file. If you would prefer to read the file in your browser click here.

git clone

Double check that the following environment variables are set and readable by Python

  • $IPW, and $IPW/bin environment variable is set.

  • WORKDIR, the location where temporary files are created and modified which is not default on Linux. Use ~/tmp for example.

  • PATH, is set and readable by Python (mainly if running inside an IDE environment).

Installing SMRF

Once the dependencies have been installed for your respective system, the following will install smrf. It is preferable to use a Python virtual environment to reduce the possibility of a dependency issue.

  1. Create a virtualenv and activate it.

python3 -m virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
  1. Clone SMRF source code from the ARS-NWRC github.

git clone
  1. Change directories into the SMRF directory. Install the python requirements. After the requirements are done, install SMRF.

cd smrf
python3 -m pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
python3 install
  1. (Optional) Generate a local copy of the documentation.

make docs

To view the documentation use the preferred browser to open up the files. This can be done from the browser by opening the index.rst file directly or by the commandline like the following:

google-chrome _build/html/index.html
  1. Test the installation by running the test suite.

    python3 -m unittest -v

If all tests passed, SMRF is installed. See examples for specific types of runs. Happy SMRF-ing!