Source code for smrf.envphys.thermal_radiation

The module contains various physics calculations needed for estimating
the thermal radition and associated values.

import os

import numpy as np

on_rtd = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS') == 'True'
if on_rtd:
    IPW = '.'  # placehold while building the docs
elif 'IPW' not in os.environ:
    IPW = '/usr/local/bin'
    IPW = os.environ['IPW']     # IPW executables

# define some constants
MAXV = 1.0              # vis albedo when gsize = 0
MAXIR = 0.85447         # IR albedo when gsize = 0
IRFAC = -0.02123        # IR decay factor
VFAC = 500.0            # visible decay factor
VZRG = 1.375e-3         # vis zenith increase range factor
IRZRG = 2.0e-3          # ir zenith increase range factor
IRZ0 = 0.1              # ir zenith increase range, gsize=0
STEF_BOLTZ = 5.6697e-8  # stephman boltzman constant
EMISS_TERRAIN = 0.98    # emissivity of the terrain
EMISS_VEG = 0.96        # emissivity of the vegitation
FREEZE = 273.16         # freezing temp K
BOIL = 373.15           # boiling temperature K
STD_LAPSE_M = -0.0065   # lapse rate (K/m)
STD_LAPSE = -6.5        # lapse rate (K/km)
SEA_LEVEL = 1.013246e5  # sea level pressure
RGAS = 8.31432e3        # gas constant (J / kmole / deg)
GRAVITY = 9.80665       # gravity (m/s^2)
MOL_AIR = 28.9644       # molecular weight of air (kg / kmole)

[docs]def thermal_correct_terrain(th, ta, viewf): """ Correct the thermal radiation for terrain assuming that the terrain is at the air temperature and the pixel and a sky view Args: th: thermal radiation ta: air temperature [C] viewf: sky view factor from view_f Returns: corrected thermal radiation 20150611 Scott Havens """ # thermal emitted from the terrain terrain = STEF_BOLTZ * EMISS_TERRAIN * np.power(ta + 273.15, 4) # correct the incoming thermal return viewf * th + (1 - viewf) * terrain
[docs]def thermal_correct_canopy(th, ta, tau, veg_height, height_thresh=2): """ Correct thermal radiation for vegitation. It will only correct for pixels where the veg height is above a threshold. This ensures that the open areas don't get this applied. Vegitation temp is assumed to be at air temperature Args: th: thermal radiation ta: air temperature [C] tau: transmissivity of the canopy veg_height: vegitation height for each pixel height_thresh: threshold hold for height to say that there is veg in the pixel Returns: corrected thermal radiation Equations from Link and Marks 1999 :cite:`Link&Marks:1999` 20150611 Scott Havens """ # thermal emitted from the canopy veg = STEF_BOLTZ * EMISS_VEG * np.power(ta + FREEZE, 4) # pixels with canopy above the threshold ind = veg_height > height_thresh # correct incoming thermal th[ind] = tau[ind] * th[ind] + (1 - tau[ind]) * veg[ind] return th
[docs]def precipitable_water(ta, ea): """ Estimate the precipitable water from Prata (1996) :cite:`Prata:1996` """ return 4650*ea/ta
[docs]def Dilly1998(ta, ea): """ Estimate clear-sky downwelling long wave radiation from Dilley & O'Brian (1998) :cite:`Dilley&OBrian:1998` using the equation: .. math:: L_{clear} = 59.38 + 113.7 * \\left( \\frac{T_a}{273.16} \\right)^6 + 96.96 \\sqrt{w/25} Where :math:`T_a` is the air temperature and :math:`w` is the amount of precipitable water. The preipitable water is estimated as :math:`4650 e_o/T_o` from Prata (1996) :cite:`Prata:1996`. Args: ta: distributed air temperature [degree C] ea: distrubted vapor pressure [kPa] Returns: clear sky long wave radiation [W/m2] 20170509 Scott Havens """ ta = ta + FREEZE # convert to K w = precipitable_water(ta, ea) # precipitable water th = 59.38 + 113.7 * (ta/273.16)**6 + 96.96*np.sqrt(w/25) return th
[docs]def calc_long_wave(e, ta): """ Apply the Stephan-Boltzman equation for longwave """ return e * STEF_BOLTZ * np.power(ta, 4)
[docs]def Prata1996(ta, ea): """ Estimate clear-sky downwelling long wave radiation from Prata (1996) :cite:`Prata:1996` using the equation: .. math:: \epsilon_{clear} = 1 - (1 + w) * exp(-1.2 + 3w)^{1/2} Where :math:`w` is the amount of precipitable water. The preipitable water is estimated as :math:`4650 e_o/T_o` from Prata (1996) :cite:`Prata:1996`. Args: ta: distributed air temperature [degree C] ea: distrubted vapor pressure [kPa] Returns: clear sky long wave radiation [W/m2] 20170509 Scott Havens """ ta = ta + FREEZE # convert to K w = precipitable_water(ta, ea) # precipitable water # clear sky emmissivity ec = 1 - (1 + w) * np.exp(-np.sqrt(1.2 + 3*w)) return calc_long_wave(ec, ta)
[docs]def Angstrom1918(ta, ea): """ Estimate clear-sky downwelling long wave radiation from Angstrom (1918) :cite:`Angstrom:1918` as cited by Niemela et al (2001) :cite:`Niemela&al:2001` using the equation: .. math:: \\epsilon_{clear} = 0.83 - 0.18 * 10^{-0.067 e_a} Where :math:`e_a` is the vapor pressure. Args: ta: distributed air temperature [degree C] ea: distrubted vapor pressure [kPa] Returns: clear sky long wave radiation [W/m2] 20170509 Scott Havens """ ta = ta + FREEZE # convert to K e = 0.83 - 0.18 * np.power(10, -0.067*ea) return calc_long_wave(e, ta)
[docs]def hysat(pb, tb, L, h, g, m): """ integral of hydrostatic equation over layer with linear temperature variation Args: pb: base level pressure tb: base level temp [K] L: lapse rate [deg/km] h: layer thickness [km] g: grav accel [m/s^2] m: molec wt [kg/kmole] Returns: hydrostatic results 20151027 Scott Havens """ # the factors 1.e-3 and 1.e3 are for units conversion if L == 0: return pb * np.exp(-g * m * h * 1.e3/(RGAS * tb)) else: return pb * np.power(tb/(tb + L * h), g * m/(RGAS * L * 1.e-3))
[docs]def satw(tk): """ Saturation vapor pressure of water. from IPW satw Args: tk: temperature in Kelvin Returns: saturated vapor pressure over water 20151027 Scott Havens """ # remove bad values tk[tk < 0] = np.nan l10 = np.log(10.0) btk = BOIL/tk x = -7.90298*(btk - 1.0) + 5.02808*np.log(btk)/l10 - \ 1.3816e-7*(np.power(10.0, 1.1344e1*(1.0 - tk/BOIL))-1.) + \ 8.1328e-3*(np.power(10.0, -3.49149*(btk - 1.0)) - 1.0) + \ np.log(SEA_LEVEL)/l10 x = np.power(10.0, x) return x
[docs]def sati(tk): """ saturation vapor pressure over ice. From IPW sati Args: tk: temperature in Kelvin Returns: saturated vapor pressure over ice 20151027 Scott Havens """ # remove bad values tk[tk < 0] = np.nan # preallocate x = np.empty(tk.shape) # vapor above freezing ind = tk > FREEZE x[ind] = satw(tk[ind]) # vapor below freezing l10 = np.log(10.0) x[~ind] = 100.0 * np.power(10.0, -9.09718*((FREEZE/tk[~ind]) - 1.0) - 3.56654*np.log(FREEZE/tk[~ind])/l10 + 8.76793e-1*(1.0 - (tk[~ind]/FREEZE)) + np.log(6.1071)/l10) return x
[docs]def brutsaert(ta, l, ea, z, pa): """ Calculate atmosphere emissivity from Brutsaert (1975):cite:`Brutsaert:1975` Args: ta: air temp (K) l: temperature lapse rate (deg/m) ea: vapor pressure (Pa) z: elevation (z) pa: air pressure (Pa) Returns: atmosphericy emissivity 20151027 Scott Havens """ t_prime = ta - (l * z) rh = ea / sati(ta) rh[rh > 1] = 1 e_prime = (rh * sati(t_prime))/100.0 air_emiss = (1.24*np.power(e_prime/t_prime, 1./7.0))*pa/SEA_LEVEL air_emiss[air_emiss > 1.0] = 1.0 return air_emiss
[docs]def topotherm(ta, tw, z, skvfac): """ Calculate the clear sky thermal radiation. topotherm calculates thermal radiation from the atmosphere corrected for topographic effects, from near surface air temperature Ta, dew point temperature DPT, and elevation. Based on a model by Marks and Dozier (1979) :citeL`Marks&Dozier:1979`. Args: ta: air temperature [C] tw: dew point temperature [C] z: elevation [m] skvfac: sky view factor Returns: Long wave (thermal) radiation corrected for terrain 20151027 Scott Havens """ # convert ta and tw from C to K ta = ta + FREEZE tw = tw + FREEZE # if below zero set to nan tw[tw < 0] = np.nan ta[ta < 0] = np.nan # calculate theoretical sea level # atmospheric emissivity # from reference level ta, tw, and z ind = tw > ta tw[ind] = ta[ind] ea = sati(tw) emiss = brutsaert(ta, STD_LAPSE_M, ea, z, SEA_LEVEL) # calculate sea level air temp T0 = ta - (z * STD_LAPSE_M) # adjust emiss for elev, terrain # veg, and cloud shading press = hysat(SEA_LEVEL, T0, STD_LAPSE, z/1000.0, GRAVITY, MOL_AIR) # elevation correction emiss *= press/SEA_LEVEL # terrain factor correction emiss = (emiss * skvfac) + (1.0 - skvfac) # check for emissivity > 1.0 emiss[emiss > 1.0] = 1.0 # calculate incoming lw rad return emiss * STEF_BOLTZ * np.power(ta, 4)
[docs]def Garen2005(th, cloud_factor): """ Cloud correction is based on the relationship in Garen and Marks (2005) :cite:`Garen&Marks:2005` between the cloud factor and measured long wave radiation using measurement stations in the Boise River Basin. .. math:: L_{cloud} = L_{clear} * (1.485 - 0.488 * cloud\_factor) Args: th: clear sky thermal radiation [W/m2] cloud_factor: fraction of sky that are not clouds, 1 equals no clouds, 0 equals all clouds Returns: cloud corrected clear sky thermal radiation 20170515 Scott Havens """ return th * (1.485 - 0.488 * cloud_factor)
[docs]def Unsworth1975(th, ta, cloud_factor): """ Cloud correction is based on Unsworth and Monteith (1975) :cite:`Unsworth&Monteith:1975` .. math:: \epsilon_a = (1 - 0.84) \epsilon_{clear} + 0.84c where :math:`c = 1 - cloud\_factor` Args: th: clear sky thermal radiation [W/m2] ta: temperature in Celcius that the clear sky thermal radiation was calcualted from [C] cloud_factor: fraction of sky that are not clouds, 1 equals no clouds, 0 equals all clouds Returns: cloud corrected clear sky thermal radiation 20170515 Scott Havens """ c = 1 - cloud_factor ta = ta + FREEZE # calculate the clear sky emissivity ec = th/(STEF_BOLTZ * np.power(ta, 4)) # adjsut the atmospheric emissivity for clouds ea = (1 - 0.84*c) * ec + 0.84*c return calc_long_wave(ea, ta)
[docs]def Kimball1982(th, ta, ea, cloud_factor): """ Cloud correction is based on Kimball et al. (1982) :cite:`Kimball&al:1982` .. math:: L_d &= L_{clear} + \\tau_8 c f_8 \sigma T^{4}_{c} \\tau_8 &= 1 - \epsilon_{8z} (1.4 - 0.4 \epsilon_{8z}) \epsilon_{8z} &= 0.24 + 2.98 \\times 10^{-6} e^2_o exp(3000/T_o) f_8 &= -0.6732 + 0.6240 \\times 10^{-2} T_c - 0.9140 \\times 10^{-5} T^2_c where the original Kimball et al. (1982) :cite:`Kimball&al:1982` was for multiple cloud layers, which was simplified to one layer. :math:`T_c` is the cloud temperature and is assumed to be 11 K cooler than :math:`T_a`. Args: th: clear sky thermal radiation [W/m2] ta: temperature in Celcius that the clear sky thermal radiation was calcualted from [C] ea: distrubted vapor pressure [kPa] cloud_factor: fraction of sky that are not clouds, 1 equals no clouds, 0 equals all clouds Returns: cloud corrected clear sky thermal radiation 20170515 Scott Havens """ ta = ta + FREEZE Tc = ta - 11 f8 = -0.6732 + 0.6240 * 10**(-2) * Tc - 0.9140 * 10**(-5) * Tc**2 e8z = 0.24 + 2.98 * 10**(-6) * ea**2 * np.exp(3000/ta) t8 = 1 - e8z * (1.4 - 0.4 * e8z) return th + calc_long_wave(f8 * e8z * t8, ta)
[docs]def Crawford1999(th, ta, cloud_factor): """ Cloud correction is based on Crawford and Duchon (1999) :cite:`Crawford&Duchon:1999` .. math:: \epsilon_a = (1 - cloud\_factor) + cloud\_factor * \epsilon_{clear} where :math:`cloud\_factor` is the ratio of measured solar radiation to the clear sky irradiance. Args: th: clear sky thermal radiation [W/m2] ta: temperature in Celcius that the clear sky thermal radiation was calcualted from [C] cloud_factor: fraction of sky that are not clouds, 1 equals no clouds, 0 equals all clouds Returns: cloud corrected clear sky thermal radiation 20170515 Scott Havens """ return calc_long_wave(1 - cloud_factor, ta + FREEZE) + cloud_factor * th