Source code for

import logging
import os

import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pytz
import utm
from weather_forecast_retrieval import hrrr

from smrf.envphys import phys
from smrf.envphys.radiation import get_hrrr_cloud

[docs]class grid(): """ Class for loading and storing the data, either from a gridded dataset in: - NetCDF format - other format Inputs to data() are: - dataConfig, from the [gridded] section - start_date, datetime object - end_date, datetime object """ def __init__(self, dataConfig, topo, start_date, end_date, time_zone='UTC', dataType='wrf', tempDir=None, forecast_flag=False, day_hour=0, n_forecast_hours=18): if (tempDir is None) | (tempDir == 'WORKDIR'): tempDir = os.environ['WORKDIR'] self.tempDir = tempDir self.dataConfig = dataConfig self.dataType = dataType self.start_date = start_date self.end_date = end_date self.time_zone = time_zone self.forecast_flag = forecast_flag self.day_hour = day_hour self.n_forecast_hours = n_forecast_hours self.topo = topo # degree offset for a buffer around the model domain in degrees self.offset = 0.1 # The data that will be output self.variables = ['air_temp', 'vapor_pressure', 'precip', 'wind_speed', 'wind_direction', 'cloud_factor', 'thermal'] # get the buffer gridded data domain extents in lat long self.dlat, self.dlon = self.model_domain_grid() # This is placed long, lat on purpose as thats the HRRR class expects self.bbox = np.array([self.dlon[0], self.dlat[0], self.dlon[1], self.dlat[1]]) self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # load the data if dataType == 'wrf': self.load_from_wrf() elif dataType == 'netcdf': self.load_from_netcdf() elif dataType == 'hrrr_grib': self.load_from_hrrr() else: raise Exception('Could not resolve dataType')
[docs] def model_domain_grid(self): ''' Retrieve the bounding box for the gridded data by adding a buffer to the extents of the topo domain. Returns: tuple: (dlat, dlon) Domain latitude and longitude extents ''' dlat = np.zeros((2,)) dlon = np.zeros_like(dlat) # Convert the UTM extents to lat long extents ur = self.get_latlon(np.max(self.topo.x), np.max(self.topo.y)) ll = self.get_latlon(np.min(self.topo.x), np.min(self.topo.y)) # Put into numpy arrays for convenience later dlat[0], dlon[0] = ll dlat[1], dlon[1] = ur # add a buffer dlat[0] -= self.offset dlat[1] += self.offset dlon[0] -= self.offset dlon[1] += self.offset return dlat, dlon
[docs] def load_from_hrrr(self): """ Load the data from the High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) model The variables returned from the HRRR class in dataframes are - metadata - air_temp - relative_humidity - precip_int - cloud_factor - wind_u - wind_v The function will take the keys and load them into the appropriate objects within the `grid` class. The vapor pressure will be calculated from the `air_temp` and `relative_humidity`. The `wind_speed` and `wind_direction` will be calculated from `wind_u` and `wind_v` """'Reading data from from HRRR directory: {}'.format( self.dataConfig['hrrr_directory'] )) # forecast hours for each run hour if not self.forecast_flag: fcast = [0] else: fcast = range(self.n_forecast_hours + 1) metadata, data = hrrr.HRRR(external_logger=self._logger).get_saved_data( self.start_date, self.end_date, self.bbox, output_dir=self.dataConfig['hrrr_directory'], force_zone_number=self.topo.zone_number, forecast=fcast, forecast_flag=self.forecast_flag, day_hour=self.day_hour) # the data may be returned as type=object, convert to numeric # correct for the timezone for key in data.keys(): data[key] = data[key].apply(pd.to_numeric) data[key] = data[key].tz_localize(tz=self.time_zone) self.metadata = metadata idx = data['air_temp'].index cols = data['air_temp'].columns self._logger.debug('Loading air_temp') self.air_temp = data['air_temp'] # calculate vapor pressure self._logger.debug('Loading vapor_pressure') vp = phys.rh2vp( data['air_temp'].values, data['relative_humidity'].values) self.vapor_pressure = pd.DataFrame(vp, index=idx, columns=cols) # calculate the wind speed and wind direction self._logger.debug('Loading wind_speed and wind_direction') min_speed = 0.47 # calculate the wind speed s = np.sqrt(data['wind_u']**2 + data['wind_v']**2) s[s < min_speed] = min_speed # calculate the wind direction d = np.degrees(np.arctan2(data['wind_v'], data['wind_u'])) ind = d < 0 d[ind] = d[ind] + 360 self.wind_speed = pd.DataFrame(s, index=idx, columns=cols) self.wind_direction = pd.DataFrame(d, index=idx, columns=cols) self._logger.debug('Loading precip') self.precip = pd.DataFrame(data['precip_int'], index=idx, columns=cols) self._logger.debug('Loading solar') solar = pd.DataFrame(data['short_wave'], index=idx, columns=cols) self._logger.debug('Calculating cloud factor') self.cloud_factor = get_hrrr_cloud( solar, self.metadata, self._logger, self.topo.basin_lat, self.topo.basin_long)
[docs] def load_from_netcdf(self): """ Load the data from a generic netcdf file Args: lat: latitude field in file, 1D array lon: longitude field in file, 1D array elev: elevation field in file, 2D array variable: variable name in file, 3D array """'Reading data coming from netcdf: {}'.format( self.dataConfig['netcdf_file']) ) f = nc.Dataset(self.dataConfig['netcdf_file'], 'r') # GET THE LAT, LON, ELEV FROM THE FILE mlat = f.variables['lat'][:] mlon = f.variables['lon'][:] mhgt = f.variables['elev'][:] if mlat.ndim != 2 & mlon.ndim != 2: [mlon, mlat] = np.meshgrid(mlon, mlat) # get the values that are in the modeling domain ind = (mlat >= self.dlat[0]) & \ (mlat <= self.dlat[1]) & \ (mlon >= self.dlon[0]) & \ (mlon <= self.dlon[1]) mlat = mlat[ind] mlon = mlon[ind] mhgt = mhgt[ind] # GET THE METADATA # create some fake station names based on the index a = np.argwhere(ind) primary_id = ['grid_y%i_x%i' % (i[0], i[1]) for i in a] self._logger.debug('{} grid cells within model domain'.format(len(a))) # create a metadata dataframe to store all the grid info metadata = pd.DataFrame(index=primary_id, columns=('X', 'Y', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'elevation')) metadata['latitude'] = mlat.flatten() metadata['longitude'] = mlon.flatten() metadata['elevation'] = mhgt.flatten() metadata = metadata.apply(apply_utm, args=(self.topo.zone_number,), axis=1) self.metadata = metadata # GET THE TIMES t = f.variables['time'] time = nc.num2date(t[:].astype(int), t.getncattr( 'units'), t.getncattr('calendar')) # Drop milliseconds and prepare to use as pandas DataFrame index time = pd.DatetimeIndex( [str(tm.replace(microsecond=0)) for tm in time], tz=self.time_zone ) # GET THE DATA, ONE AT A TIME for v in self.variables: if v in self.dataConfig: v_file = self.dataConfig[v] self._logger.debug('Loading {} from {}'.format(v, v_file)) df = pd.DataFrame(index=time, columns=primary_id) for i in a: g = 'grid_y%i_x%i' % (i[0], i[1]) df[g] = f.variables[v_file][:, i[0], i[1]] # deal with any fillValues try: fv = f.variables[v_file].getncattr('_FillValue') df.replace(fv, np.nan, inplace=True) except: pass # Set variable and subset by start and end time setattr(self, v, df[self.start_date:self.end_date])
[docs] def load_from_wrf(self): """ Load the data from a netcdf file. This was setup to work with a WRF output file, i.e. wrf_out so it's going to look for the following variables: - Times - XLAT - XLONG - HGT - T2 - DWPT - GLW - RAINNC - CLDFRA - UGRD - VGRD Each cell will be identified by grid_IX_IY """ self.wrf_variables = ['GLW', 'T2', 'DWPT', 'UGRD', 'VGRD', 'CLDFRA', 'RAINNC']'Reading data coming from WRF output: {}'.format( self.dataConfig['wrf_file'] )) f = nc.Dataset(self.dataConfig['wrf_file']) # get the values that are in the modeling domain ind = (f.variables['XLAT'] >= self.dlat[0]) & \ (f.variables['XLAT'] <= self.dlat[1]) & \ (f.variables['XLONG'] >= self.dlon[0]) & \ (f.variables['XLONG'] <= self.dlon[1]) mlat = f.variables['XLAT'][:][ind] mlon = f.variables['XLONG'][:][ind] mhgt = f.variables['HGT'][:][ind] # GET THE METADATA # create some fake station names based on the index a = np.argwhere(ind) primary_id = ['grid_y%i_x%i' % (i[0], i[1]) for i in a] self._logger.debug('{} grid cells within model domain'.format(len(a))) # create a metadata dataframe to store all the grid info metadata = pd.DataFrame(index=primary_id, columns=('X', 'Y', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'elevation')) metadata['latitude'] = mlat.flatten() metadata['longitude'] = mlon.flatten() metadata['elevation'] = mhgt.flatten() metadata = metadata.apply(apply_utm, args=(self.topo.zone_number,), axis=1) self.metadata = metadata # GET THE TIMES t = f.variables['Times'] t.set_auto_maskandscale(False) try: times = [('').join(v) for v in t] except TypeError: times = [] for v in t: times.append(''.join([s.decode('utf-8') for s in v])) except Exception: raise Exception('Could not convert WRF times to readable format') times = [v.replace('_', ' ') for v in times] # remove the underscore in_utc = str(self.time_zone).lower() == str(pytz.UTC).lower() time = pd.to_datetime(times, utc=in_utc) # subset the times to only those needed time_ind = (time >= self.start_date) & (time <= self.end_date) time = time[time_ind] # GET THE DATA, ONE AT A TIME self._logger.debug('Loading air_temp') self.air_temp = pd.DataFrame(index=time, columns=primary_id) for i in a: g = 'grid_y%i_x%i' % (i[0], i[1]) v = f.variables['T2'][time_ind, i[0], i[1]] - 273.15 self.air_temp[g] = v self._logger.debug('Loading dew_point and calculating vapor_pressure') self.dew_point = pd.DataFrame(index=time, columns=primary_id) for i in a: g = 'grid_y%i_x%i' % (i[0], i[1]) v = f.variables['DWPT'][time_ind, i[0], i[1]] self.dew_point[g] = v self._logger.debug('Calculating vapor_pressure') satvp = phys.satvp(self.dew_point.values) self.vapor_pressure = pd.DataFrame( satvp, index=time, columns=primary_id) self._logger.debug('Loading thermal') self.thermal = pd.DataFrame(index=time, columns=primary_id) for i in a: g = 'grid_y%i_x%i' % (i[0], i[1]) v = f.variables['GLW'][time_ind, i[0], i[1]] self.thermal[g] = v self._logger.debug('Loading cloud_factor') self.cloud_factor = pd.DataFrame(index=time, columns=primary_id) cf = 1 - np.mean(f.variables['CLDFRA'][time_ind, :], axis=1) for i in a: g = 'grid_y%i_x%i' % (i[0], i[1]) v = cf[:, i[0], i[1]] self.cloud_factor[g] = v self._logger.debug('Loading wind_speed and wind_direction') self.wind_speed = pd.DataFrame(index=time, columns=primary_id) self.wind_direction = pd.DataFrame(index=time, columns=primary_id) min_speed = 0.47 u10 = f.variables['UGRD'][time_ind, :] v10 = f.variables['VGRD'][time_ind, :] # calculate the wind speed s = np.sqrt(u10**2 + v10**2) s[s < min_speed] = min_speed # calculate the wind direction d = np.degrees(np.arctan2(v10, u10)) ind = d < 0 d[ind] = d[ind] + 360 for i in a: g = 'grid_y%i_x%i' % (i[0], i[1]) self.wind_speed[g] = s[:, i[0], i[1]] self.wind_direction[g] = d[:, i[0], i[1]] self._logger.debug('Loading precip') self.precip = pd.DataFrame(index=time, columns=primary_id) precip = np.diff(f.variables['RAINNC'][time_ind, :], axis=0) for i in a: g = 'grid_y%i_x%i' % (i[0], i[1]) self.precip[g] = np.concatenate(([0], precip[:, i[0], i[1]])) # correct for the timezone and get only the desired dates for v in self.variables: d = getattr(self, v) setattr(self, v, d.tz_convert(tz=self.time_zone))
[docs] def get_latlon(self, utm_x, utm_y): ''' Convert UTM coords to Latitude and longitude Args: utm_x: UTM easting in meters in the same zone/letter as the topo utm_y: UTM Northing in meters in the same zone/letter as the topo Returns: tuple: (lat,lon) latitude and longitude conversion from the UTM coordinates ''' lat, lon = utm.to_latlon(utm_x, utm_y, self.topo.zone_number, northern=self.topo.northern_hemisphere) return lat, lon
[docs]def apply_utm(s, force_zone_number): """ Calculate the utm from lat/lon for a series Args: s: pandas series with fields latitude and longitude force_zone_number: default None, zone number to force to Returns: s: pandas series with fields 'X' and 'Y' filled """ p = utm.from_latlon(s.latitude, s.longitude, force_zone_number=force_zone_number) s['X'] = p[0] s['Y'] = p[1] return s